
Went to the movies last week with 2 friends to see The Dressmaker

Im not really into Aussie movies. Liked Strictly Ballroom and LOVED My Brilliant Career but thats about it. So went to the movies with a bit of a prejudice.

It was fantastic to see so many familiar faces. And what a great story!!

I thought Kate Winslet was good in her role.

Hugo Weaving and Judy Davis were amazing in their roles tho. Really made me enjoy the movie more than i thought i would.

In my opinion they should be Oscar nominees when they come around. Those were two of the standout roles of the movie.


The Dressmaker had plenty of good performances, but I can't see it in the running for any acting Oscars -- best costume design, perhaps. That would be quite apt, although it's not a certainty considering the costumes in Carol, The Danish Girl, Brooklyn and a few others.



I still have yet to watch the whole movie in the theaters, but it would be nice for an Aussie film to be nominated for more Oscars, so I hope it will get some nominations for next year's Oscars...not many Aussie films get nominated at the Oscars.

I think this film will stand a better chance at being nominated for a Golden Globe or more...I've noticed over the years that the Golden Globes are more lax with picking their nominations than the Oscars are, so I can picture this movie being nominated for several Golden Globes actually.


In a perfect, non-snobby world, the film would be up for Best Picture and Best Supporting Actress for Davis. But they'll go to some boring, super-hyped films.



I haven't seen The Dressmaker yet but i'm sure it is underrated by the most part of critics.


well I've read the comments by some critics and most of the critiques for this movie have been mostly positive...of course there's still some negative critiques, but I've seen more positive comments from critics for the movie than negative comments.


THE DRESSMAKER is underrated. Judy and Kate should be definetly up for some Oscar nomination, but Academy will consider those american movies insted of this Aussie Classic


Be no oscar noms as the film never screened in the US during Oscar time frame !


Is there a specific time frame (other than it has to be 2015)?
What is it and why?


Yes there is ! it's slightly different each yeah so if you want more info look up Oscar Rules and Eligibility, but all films must be screened in L.A first before anywhere else within a curtain time frame, The Dressmaker is still technically eligible as it hasn't screened anywhere in the USA yet to my knowledge just not for the 2016 it may for 2017 :)
