Please Prepare Me

Hi guys! I rented this movie and I am looking forward to watching it, but I know that there is some violence involving animals. Can you tell me if the violence involves wolves, and if so, how graphic and tragic is it? It won't stop me from watching the movie, but I want to be prepared for it.



Had you watched it?

If not, there are scenes where the Mongolians chase and hunt down the wolves and their pups. Adult wolves were shot at and puppies in bag thrown in the air or over the hills. Some dead bodies.


i stopped watching it after a while, because it disugsted me how much animal violence there was; there are at 2 scences where wolf cups are thrown of hills. wolfs get strangeld by leashes, trampled by horses and so on. i cannot not remember when i ever stop watching a movie because of the shown violence, but here it was the case
