MovieChat Forums > Insurgent (2015) Discussion > Don't listen to critics, especially if y...

Don't listen to critics, especially if you liked first movie

I just watched this movie, even though I've thought that I'll end up throwing a remote at TV because of what critics kept complaining about, but I was not surprised by the fact that this movie was quite enjoyable. So, frankly.. I would rather now throw remote at those bunch of haters here, than TV itself. Didn't expected that this movie will have some outstanding action scenes, because anyone with a little brain who watched this, should know that this movie is not supposed to bring you full action experience. But it had quite good and interesting story, was emotional and characters portrayed by actors such as Kate Winslet, Jai Courtney and Shailene Woodley herself felt just amazing. I would recommend anyone who watched first movie and LIKED it, to give this one a chance too. If you didn't liked first one, and if this movie is not your type, then don't even try watching it and having some high expectations. Simple as that.


As a pseudo critic who liked the first one…I did hate this film. Found it lifeless, so-so in the acting department and with horrid plotting.


I disagree. I think the biggest problem here is because most of you were just waiting for sins to pop out because of sweet female lead, instead of trying to enjoy the movie. I've started watching it with a thought that it will be terrible, in the matter of fact I enjoyed it.


I watched the movie knowing the critics (and many fans) didn't like it, thought it was pretty okay at the beginning, but it ended up being just as bad as everyone said. Sorry to disappoint your hypothesis. You happened to find it better than you expected. Great. Your opinion does not mean that everyone else must be wrong or being unfair. Your opinion is your opinion.

>>>>>Happy dance!


I liked the first movie, loved the first book, and liked the second book. I did not like this movie. I didn't find it very entertaining, and it felt lifeless to me.


I'm watching it right now, not knowing about the books, critics, haters, anything. I don't hate it yet. It's okay for watching on a lazy afternoon so far.


Some of the critics are Hunger Games fanatics who look upon the Divergent movies as a threat to Hunger Games popularity, others are Divergent book series fans who don't like the changes the movies have made to the books, and the rest are just doofburgers.


I can assure you - and I think I've said this before - that no Hunger Games fan or even casual moviegoer thinks Divergent is a "threat" to anything. Fact is, and I feel comfortable claiming it as fact, the movies are just plain not very good. There is plenty of snark on irrespective of Hunger Games or anything else.

>>>>>Happy dance!


Apparently, there always has to be some kind of negative explanation for a negative critic review. Go to a Marvel board and it's "DC fanboys" hating Marvel! It's the anti-sequel folk! People don't like Movie A, D, and G because they're close-minded! You just hate Nolan, you Fincher fan! Etc...

Sometimes a person judges a movie independently, and chooses to vent about their poor experience. There doesn't need to be a scapegoat.

I took a myriad of Creative Writing classes in college. I've studied literature and film. I've seen enough FANTASTIC student stories to know Veronica Roth came to the right place at the right time. I've read insightful, emotional, poignant five page short stories in classes, that blow Insurgent* out of the water and right out of the known universe.

*Also known as:
Quickly Tour the Factions We Missed in Divergent, Then Find a Random Box: The Movie

Insurgent: Watch Shailene Woodley Cry, Dream, and Matrix

Scary Boyfriend Things: The Opposite of Subtlety

Tris and Four Missed Killing Janine: Doing What You Could've Done Five Days Ago

Tris. It's not your fault. Tris. I'm here for you. Tris. Not your fault. Tris?


ShortHair and SexyAbs Get Even: The Continuing Story of a Box and a Mean Woman in a Blue Dress

Every Five Minutes - An Intricate Repetition of Tris' Feelings...That We Already Knew

White People in Hollywood - Yes. Even in Young Adult. They're the Biggest Heroes and most Terrible Villains.

We Need an Army to Take Down Jeanine, I Guess? - How Divergent and Insurgent Both Ended By a Calculated Attack on...Under 10 Villains

Pandering to Young Adults in Two Hours


Well said. :) How you should be considering this or any sequel to any other movie


I don't understand the critics of this movie. I do think many are Hunger Games fans who find Insurgent as somehow a threat. I've never understood the "rival movie" thing as I'm a Hunger Games fan myself, but rivalries do clearly exist. You then get some who are upset that the movie isn't an exact replica of the book. The problem is that the book wasn't well made to be converted to a movie, so they changed it to make it better. However, some will always hate even the slightest of changes in movies when compared to the book. In THG, some were upset that the changed the color of the cat. For real!?!?! Yes. Take the Insurgent movie for what it is. It's great all around -- excellent action scenes, great special effects, superb acting, a couple of great surprises and even an emotional message at the end. It's one of my 5 favorite movies in the last 10 years.
