This film hates women

Being a horror fan, Ive heard to old argument of misogyny in slasher movies - women take longer to die, rape,nudity, etc. I never believed them until now. This movie is really over the top. With the girl from the gas station, when the story ends, her ending goes too far. I dont want to spoil the ending but its very hateful.

I like guns, slasher movies, and more guns.


it is very disturbing, but that just adds to Art the Clowns sickness. he laughs at the lady after doing all that to her, that's so twisted it makes you really see how f'ed up he is.

the movie doesn't hate women, and I doubt art even cares if its a woman. he dismembered the gas station guy too. its meant to get a reaction out of the viewer. I was disgusted at the ending too, but that just makes art a great villain


Yeah, he's the villain, his actions are meant to be vile and repulsive, not something you enjoy watching.

+++by His wounds we are healed. - Isaiah 53:5+++


Seems like they succeeded big time if they were going for a wtf moment, at least for me.


Now if she was just on that table with her arms and legs missing then I would have thought "well damn he is a cutting off the limbs kind of clown", but the vile words he carved into her as well as the cutting off of her breasts gave me a huge "Wtf? Holy Shyt!" moment as well at the cutting off the kids heads at the end instead of being generic and just killing the babysitter.

I really like your car Mrs. Larusso!


I don't think the film hates woman but I think it's a homage to old horror and most old horror usually has woman being stalked or killed and of you say this film is sexist it would be like saying most horror films are sexist


He is saying that the Horror genre is and can be seen as sexist. It's not an uncommon thought process and I agree to a point.

"You're entitled to your wrong opinion. That's fine."


but most survivors at the end are women

i've got feelings too, ya know - inbetweeners


Really? Because plenty of films that are considered classics in the genre - Psycho, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Halloween, Friday the 13th, A Nightmare on Elm Street, Scream, etc. - follow a female protagonist that has an actual personality and uses her wits to survive a deadly encounter. Leone clearly isn't making an homage to these films, because his heroines are just punching bags, vessels for his weird clown-centric torture porn fantasies.


I think it was random that he carved those words onto her skin. It just seemed random to call someone you don't know all of those words.

"You're entitled to your wrong opinion. That's fine."


He's just a heartless, malicious force that wanted to degrade and murder her, whether he knew her or not is rather irrelevant. It's pretty clear that he's not even human, he's more of a dark spirit of some kind in the form of a clown, hence the way he comes right out of the television, pops up all over the place, and is barely effected by gunshot wounds.

+++by His wounds we are healed. - Isaiah 53:5+++


I was actually surprised to see her vagina was still intact.
I kind of wonder if they made a conscious decision to leave it alone because of concerns of misogynistic interpretation.
Or on the flipside, maybe he wanted it whole for personal use.


Movies not over the top


Bro, do you even sentence?


That sounds stupid and what I said was a sentence


You look dumber than him with that sentence "bro".


I totally agree, I love horror and I don't typically find them misogynistic after all it is usually a strong female that survives and defeats the villain, but the end of "Terrifier" goes that one step too far into being a gross example of hating women. Now is it possible to make the argument that we should be equal disturbed by any of the violence sure but this film already had a rape scene in an earlier short and then to add in the

fact that he not only cuts her limbs off, he removes her breasts and carves "pig" "slut" and *beep* into her skin just goes too far in an attempt to shock. This feels like Frank Miller level woman hating.

"You can't fool me I listen to public radio" Squidward
