I liked the film, but certain things puzzled me. Why was it necessary to show Manglehorn's cat getting operated on and have the vet drone on about it? The cat was very important to him (almost more than his son), but that scene could have been cut out.

And all the pieces matter (The Wire)


Who knows why decisions like that are made. Maybe to keep interest going? Or maybe someone wanted to educate on pet surgery.

But more importantly, cats are so picky - and careful, that swallowing a key is pretty hard to believe. A dog - yea, but not a cat.


Maybe it was the director's cat and it had to be operated on, and he filmed it,
and wanted to find a use for the footage.

I have to say after seeing the whole movie, that surgery scene made the most
sense - at least I learned something from it. It was odd how the vet talked his
way through the entire thing.
