ABCD (Spoiler)

Did you notice the first names of the characters ? Manglehorn's first name is Angelo with an A, his ex-wife is Beatrice with a B, his lost love is Clara with a C, and his to be / current girlfriend is Dawn with... Well, you know where this is going.
You may think that all this is a coincidence, but the ex-wife first name was brought in the father-son conversation with almost no reason. The first names of the Pacino and Hunter were revealed at the very end of the movie.
And if you still have some doubts, remember the ABCD that we can see on the arm of the tractor ditching Manglehorn's boat.
I don't know if it's just a sort of easter egg, or is there some hidden meaning, but I felt quite puzzled after seeing the movie.
Any thoughts ?


I was wondering about the name Manglehorn itself. It's sounds like an anglicised Germanic name. In German Mangel (spelt el at the end) means a lack of and horn in English, well together it means like a lack of desire which kind of fits the character of someone who lives a rather shut-off (celibate) life. Maybe it's a pun, maybe just a coincidence.

Done with fish.


Excellent catch! He throws out the ABC. The D stays


He's DTF.


this easter egg stuff in movies i always find so boring and tedious.

do you know what the letter he opened from the safe was about?


Interesting. I just watched it and loved it.

What we got here is... failure to communicate!
