MovieChat Forums > Obsession: Dark Desires Discussion > Home Sweet Hell [spoilers]

Home Sweet Hell [spoilers]

I felt so sorry for this woman. The police and court systems are useless enough, as it is, with stalkers, but black-on-black crime? Frequently, they couldn't care less. Well...until she had to shoot him, anyway.

This guy should have been committed permanently or put in prison. He was clearly dangerously psychotic. And it's downright ridiculous that the people he called to change the locks or put bars on the windows, or the court (for the zillionth time), didn't bother to confirm that he was the owner or stop to find out if he'd made frivolous claims on the house before. That kind of indifference is just sad. It's as if the state of Texas was punishing her for being black and wanting to own a home.

Innsmouth Free Press


I just watched this ep. That poor lady. I felt so bad for her. Totally unfair that nothing was getting done about this! And her having to go to court all those times! Clearly that man was deranged and criminally, mentally ill. Yeah the lock smith and the guy who was going to put the burglar bars on didn't notice that the man was dirty, homeless and nuts?

I mean being so excited about buying a house and from word go, the door being kicked in the window broken, right away all that trouble with that man. And it went on for years! And when he shot her dog. that was it, that was the last straw! The final time when he came to the house and she had the gun and even after shooting a warning shot he is lunging at her, I was like shoot his A**. Ridicules that a nice law abiding person has to put up with that BS in her own home and police basically doing nothing to stop it!

But it is sad, she will have this with her all her life, and being a good person, she probably never expected in a million years to ever have to shoot and kill someone! How traumatic! But she surely did the right thing, that man wasn't any use to anyone in this world. I'm glad she made it through and he didn't hurt or kill her! And her dog ended up being OK, Thank God.

God bless her father, He stood by her in all this, did you all notice at the end the show was in memory of him? He passed away. RIP Mr. Kelly! ( I think that was their last name)!


Yeah the lock smith and the guy who was going to put the burglar bars on didn't notice that the man was dirty, homeless and nuts?

HELLO? That is just the way I felt! How was he able to mess with her WITHIN THE COURT SYSTEM when he had no rights to the house?



HELLO? That is just the way I felt! How was he able to mess with her WITHIN THE COURT SYSTEM when he had no rights to the house?

I found that astonishing. Not so much surprise as disgust at such indifference and incompetence. *Maybe* I could understand the security system and locksmith guy not checking (though, in their place, I sure would just to cover my own butt legally), but the courts should have checked who was the actual owner as a matter of course. And that they never even considered jailing this man for wasting court time, on top of trespassing, is beyond me. Just think of how many other real cases he held up with this endless nonsense.

Innsmouth Free Press


^It's scary how easy it was for him to intrude on her life over and over again.

It's even scarier when you think the only way she was able to get him off her back was to shoot him. The court system, police, etc. failed her miserably.


Great post! Everything you said was spot on!


I liked this lady a lot. Unlike past episodes she was pretty smart and tried to do everything right. It's pathetic she was the one treated like a damn criminal. It was surreal! It's sad it had to come down to defending herself. But if she had been taken seriously it probably wouldn't have gone that far.

In an odd way I almost felt sorry for the guy. I wonder if he could've gotten some help mentally.(not excusing his abusive behavior)


She WAS very smart and didn't take his sh!t and I respect her for that. She fought him tooth nail every step of the way.

I agree with the poster upthread that said it would haunt her forever. You can tell she was just a nice lady, excited to be buying a home. She had some kind of job in engineering so she was no one's dummy. It's a shame she had to go through all that for the crazy, weird eye guy. Under normal circumstances she would never have killed anyone in her life. He made her do it!

I can't feel sorry for him because he beat the living daylights out of his wife so much so that she got the hell out of dodge when he went to prison. When Kisha (the woman he was harassing) told him she was going to call the police and he was going to go to prison/jail, he said, "I've already been in prison/jail, I'm not afraid of that". Absolutely no awareness and no remorse. I'm glad she killed him/it. My dad was an old country guy and used to say "some folks just need killing". BINGO, dad! I get it now.


He was mentally I'll, so to act as if all of his irrational behavior was just proof that he needed killing is disgusting.


@JustKryptonight I never said that his irrational behavior was why he deserved to die, I'm just glad Kisha shot him before he hurt her, his violent behavior was escalating and no one was doing a thing about it or was going to do a thing about it until somebody got hurt. It seemed like a hopeless situation all the way through and I do take sympathy that he was a very mentally ill man who really needed help but now he doesn't have to suffer anymore.


I was talking to the person the post right above mine. But I totally agree with you, I'm glad she did what she did because otherwise she would be dead and she did try everything else possible. I just feel bad for the man as well because he was obviously very mentally ill, I mean the way he kept trying to go through the court system to get his house back was so bizarre! Also hiring people to come put bars on the windows. The man was just completly out of his head. I just hope he has some peace now, and that the lady can hopefully move on knowing she did the only thing she could.


I never said that his irrational behavior was why he deserved to die

His irrational behavior was EXACTLY why he was killed. My contention is that it wasn't all his fault because the police did NOTHING to alleviate the situation for him or Kisha. It's really sad that they paid so little attention to what was going on.

There are legal means in every community to get people that are a danger to themselves or others taken off the streets.

In California it's called a 5150 but there are laws in EVERY state to involuntarily hold someone that is a threat to themselves or others.

They didn't even attempt to do that. Clearly, Donald should have been held.


I get that he was mentally ill. I don't fault him for that. The powers that be should have had him institutionalized WAY before Kisha showed up.

Do you think it's fair that she had to go through what she did? The ONLY way I see her getting out is by doing exactly what she did - kill him!

She tried every means possible to make it stop. If anything it was the powers that be that got him killed. If they had taken her complaints seriously and took the time to look at what was going on; things would have been different. How was he allowed to take her back and forth to court? How was he able to try to get her evicted? How was he able to get a locksmith to come to HER house and another person to put bars on the windows? Really? He didn't own the house; had no vested interest in it. How was he allowed to do those things? Just because you're crazy it doesn't mean you're not wrong. He was crazy and wrong as hell. POINT. BLANK. PERIOD.

I agreed with Kisha at the end when she said it didn't have to go that far. She was right! I can't fault her for protecting herself especially when no one else was.

So as disgusted as you may be it WAS the right thing to do. Did you not see how he was standing there terrorizing her and was actually COMING AT HER before she shot him? Also, she was kind enough to give a warning shot which I would have never done!

I hate bleeding hearts. She had every right to do what she did and he DID need killing as that was her ONLY recourse.

In MY world if it's me or you, my option will ALWAYS be YOU!


I agree with everything she had to do and I feel bad that it ever got that far. I am not arguing the fact that she did the only thing she could to save her own life and that she should not have had to go to court even one time. This man was sick and the cops just didn't care at all about him or her. The court system actually making her come to court was completly ridiculous and she should have sued the whole dang city! The thing I found disgusting was to be flippant about killing a mentally ill man, you make it sound as if no matter the situation he should have just been put down. Maybe you don't mean it like that and sorry if I took it the wrong way. I agree that some people do things and they need to pay with their life's but that is not what I got from your colloquialism.


The thing I found disgusting was to be flippant about killing a mentally ill man, you make it sound as if no matter the situation he should have just been put down. Maybe you don't mean it like that

I didn't say that at all; don't know how you got that from what I said.

I most definitely wasn't being flippant about killing a mentally ill man. Terrorizing a person is not good whether you're mentally ill or a freaking Mensa member! His mental capacity would not come into play when he is all up in my face getting ready to attack me. Do you think you'd have the wherewithal to say, "let me think this through; he's mentally ill, so he doesn't deserve to die. I'll give him a chance to KILL ME"? Seriously? If someone is in my face trying to do me harm and I have a gun, I'll shoot. We can discuss their IQ later. matter the situation he should have just been put down.

I NEVER said that. The "situation" should never have happened in the first place and I made that perfectly clear. I'm sorry he's mentally ill, but I would have killed him too under the same circumstances. If he had been minding his business and not terrorizing me (a totally different SITUATION) I would be pissed if someone just shot him because of his mental disability and would be screaming from the rooftops that it was not fair. The truth is he was not going about his business and was actively menacing/terrorizing someone.

The system failed Kisha AND Donald no doubt about it. Let's lay the blame squarely where it belongs.


I guess I got the flippant part because you called him a him/it and then said you now understood the saying some people just need killing. To me that doesn't really come off like a saying that meant, well some people need killing but only when they are trying to kill someone else. It just came off very flip. But overall I think we agree that she did what she had to do and of course I don't think IQ or mental illness should be discussed in the middle of a dangerous situation. As I said she did the only thing she could do to survive.


She is a better person than I could be in that situation. I wouldn't have been brave enough to stay there as long as she did. How did she sleep at night knowing he was out there?? I certainly couldn't have. I probably would have moved out immediately, let him squat there. It's not worth it.


I'm watching the episode now, and ... WOW!

I don't think I would be half as brave as this woman is! I would've asked the realtor for my money back and moved somewhere else :/

But what baffles me, is that this "thing" has the smarts to actually go and get eviction notices and subpeonas and all that, when he could barely put a whole sentence together! I mean, look at him! I can't imagine he could go to a court house to apply for any kind of paperwork without having to be escorted out by security. And for the JUDGE to deem him mentally capable of suing this poor woman, who HAD all the legal paperwork for her house??? Are you *beep* kidding me? I just thought that was way over done.

I'm at the part where she was given 3 days to move out...and he's in the backyard...eating LEAVES! LOL What idiot would grant this guy anything other than a one-way ticket to the looney bin???

And yes, the police are totally useless here. He's clearly psychotic, and they just let him wander about, harassing this woman :(


"Could you please get your head out of your ass? It's not a hat!" - Pitch Perfect


I really enjoyed this episode. It was one of my favorite episodes of the series if not my favorite. I'm sorry but it made me and my mother laugh the entire time because the way the guy looked and acted was just over the top crazy, especially when he did his little wicked laughter. "Welcome to my humble abode." lol. That guy was a real life troll in every sense of the word and I'm glad she shot him and put him out of his misery. Although I really felt bad for her and what she had to go through with him. I couldn't have done that. I would've sprayed him with the hose the first time I saw him. But one thing I wondered while watching the show was how come she never got a home security alarm system knowing that guy was out there, I personally wouldn't have been able to sleep at night, otherwise I thought she was pretty smart and agreed her choices.


And it's downright ridiculous that the people he called to change the locks or put bars on the windows, or the court (for the zillionth time), didn't bother to confirm that he was the owner or stop to find out if he'd made frivolous claims on the house before.

That was the part I really didn't understand. I have some experience with restraining orders and they are limited in their effectiveness, but how is it possible for a homeless man, whose only connection to the property is that he USED to live there, was able to serve the LEGAL OWNER of the property with EVICTION NOTICES and NOTICES TO VACATE (I wondered if there was a difference between the two)? And not once but NUMEROUS times?

I have never owned a home but if you hire a contractor to do work on your house don't you have to prove to him/her that it IS, in fact, YOUR house??

I've lived in New York all my life so maybe it's a Texas thing? I do not mean that in a nasty way; I simply do not understand how that man was able to do some of the things that he repeatedly did to her.

Never mess with a middle-aged, Bipolar queen with AIDS and an attitude problem!
roflol (><)


All the times I have hired a contractor I never had to prove that I owned my house. However, I met with them in my dining room and gave them a check with my address on it. Not to toot my own horn, I also don't look like a crazy homeless person like that guy did.

I DID one time when getting cable installed have to answer the question if I was the homeowner as they were putting a hole in the wall. I said yes and that was it.

What I don't get is that the deed would have been recorded with her as the owner and the foreclosure paperwork is also readily available; it seems that someone just didn't bother going that extra mile and stopped that nonsense the first time he filed paperwork.


Not to toot my own horn, I also don't look like a crazy homeless person like that guy did.

LOL! You made me spit out my tea! seems that someone just didn't bother going that extra mile and stopped that nonsense the first time he filed paperwork.

And THAT, ladies and gentlemen is why she ended up shooting him. They didn't care!!


She mentioned that he might have had an old driver's license that had that address on it. If not that, I figure he may have had some old letters with that address and his name on it too. He could've had old deed too.

"... and I am unanimous in that!"- Mrs. Slocombe


She mentioned that he might have had an old driver's license that had that address on it. If not that, I figure he may have had some old letters with that address and his name on it too. He could've had an old deed too.

Possibly but the problem there is wouldn't the City Hall of Records have the CURRENT information on that address on file?

Never mess with a middle-aged, Bipolar queen with AIDS and an attitude problem!
roflol (><)


They certainly should've caught that. But it explains the locksmith and the guy measuring the windows for bars. There is no excuse for the courts not find that out.

"... and I am unanimous in that!"- Mrs. Slocombe


She mentioned that he might have had an old driver's license that had that address on it.

Yeah, she did say that. I agree with you, just because he onced lived there doesn't mean he currently owned the house. He could have been renting or squatting. They never bothered to verify any of his information. I guess they were busy FOR THREE YEARS and never got around to looking at the situation. I agree that he may have had all kinds of papers stating HE USED TO LIVE THERE. A quick search of Public Records could have ended this travesty of justice. Again, THEY DIDN'T CARE! Quite frankly, I think the afraid of him as well. They KNEW he didn't have all his faculties and let him run roughshod over the lady.

It seems like black on black crime is acceptable. Can you imagine if this story was about a white woman being stalked/harassed by a black man?

If the woman had been white and was being stalked/harassed by a black man; the cops would be looking for any record with which to discredit him. Hell, they would have shot him.

The Keystone cops are alive and well.


I remember them mentioning the property was foreclosed on, the town would have a record of that.

All it would take is a simple trip to the tax collectors office - they know who they are billing for the taxes on said property. And it was this woman. Because if the guy's name was still on it they would have said "HEY YOU OWE US MONEY".

I agree with cujokay's assessment of the situation. The cops (as usual) didn't give a crap.



We're on the same page! If the "officials" had done their job things wouldn't have played out like they did. They didn't give a damn about Kisha. This was a law-abiding HOME OWNER, obviously paying taxes, a productive member of society and they let a mentally ill man harass and stalk her for 3 1/2 YEARS! There is simply no excuse for how they treated her or how it ended up. They should all be ashamed of themselves.

I'll tell you what, I would NEVER move in that community. The town is walking around with blinders on.

The story tonight is about folks at the post office. I retired from there so I'm all over the story tonight. I'm going to pop some popcorn and make a picture of lemonade. lol!

Talk to you later.


It's as if the state of Texas was punishing her for being black and wanting to own a home.

That's exactly how I saw it! It's a damn shame they didn't help her. It's a bigger shame that they didn't check PUBLIC records to see what the hell was going on.



