Devil in the Pews

I get that religious people like Elizabeth Smart's father would want to help people down and out, ex cons, homeless, etc, but why-oh-why would they expose their families and ESPECIALLY young children to these types of people????
Last night's ep had the church-going dad urging his young daughter to be nice to a creepy old guy and everything spun out of control. Then, whenever the dad would confront this sicko, he would have the daughter standing nearby or sitting in the car....I mean, WTF??? If I was her mother I would have DEMANDED the dad handle the situation WITHOUT his daughter being present.
I hope this family and other altruistic types learn a lesson from this show (and the Elizabeth Smart abduction) and never expose their innocent children to this element of society.
I have a friend (and her husband)that works in half way houses, etc, helping the dregs of society but she goes out of her way to make sure her family is safe. She (and her husband)use different names at work (their work encourages it), they never acknowledge that they are husband and wife, and she never takes her young children shopping at discount stores (where her clientele tend to shop).
IDK, I think it just bugs me when people like last night's family believe their is some good in everyone....NO, there are some pure evil folks out there and everyone should beware and BE aware!


Well, I do give the father credit for the fact that it didn't take him too far into the episode to realize that this guys attention to his daughter was crossing a sign. And at least he didn't act like it was her fault, unlike some other paretns in this series.


Was Bill the stalker actually a Mormon? He sure didn't look anything like the few Mormons I have met.


I do not believe he was a Mormon but the church had some kind of program to help newly released convicts get back into society and on the right path. Apparently some of the parishioners thought it would be a good idea to send this thug to a fellow parishioner's home and deliver get-well cards to the young girl.


I agree with you sonoma. Too many careless mistakes made. Even some non religious people are like that. Too trusting. And the way the father continually confronted the perp on his own with no protection as if he were invincible.
Words don't always work. Sending that picture was a huge mistake.
