The crazy neighbor

this was a really good episode. The most watchable of the series so far, I am glad Amy got to be ok and no one was hurt


Im really enjoying this show. So strange the cases they cover, and Im so happy the people live to tell their tale.

I cant believe the police wouldnt take Amys claims she was being harassed seriously. Once that neighbor lady wasnt just screaming, but was screaming the name "Amy"...that should have been proof enough!

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That was definitely one of the best episodes. It's funny, when that was on, whenever the crazy neighbor was yelling and barking, my dog started growling at the tv! I deal with a crazy neighbor myself, so this episode really hit home with me.



I think that crazy neighbor should been put into a mental hospital obviously she's not dealing w/a full deck. I couldn't believe they just "banned" her and put a restraining order against her. Now this crazy woman will be harassing her next apartment building. She could also get violent - you never know what she was capable of - she could end up killing someone.


This is by far the best episode of the series (so far). Wow. I'm guessing the "neighbor" must have had some sort of trust fund or came from a wealthy family because how did Amy settle out of court to let this menace continue on to find more victims unless the money was a life changing amount. I know she was in debt (primarily due to the neighbor's behavior) but this person harassed her for 4 years and clearly has an established pattern of repeat behavior. Yikes. "YOURE IN AMERICA NOW, BABY!!! ARF ARF!!"

I had a very scary neighbor who seemed nice at first but escalated into becoming a very scary guy. He had a wife and two small children. My other neighbors would hear he and his wife screaming at each other and witnessed them physically fighting. They called the cops on multiple occasions. I never wanted to get involved but once I heard him beating his children. Screaming "get over here and take your beating! You know it'll be worse if I have to come get you!" Followed by children screaming and crying and loud smacking noises. I called CPS who swore they would keep my identity confidential. They clearly did not. This guy ended up whispering death threats to us over our patio wall while we were outside smoking and eventually got even worse. My roommate and I were coming home from having a few drinks after work on a Friday. It was around 1 am. As we were opening our door this guy comes running down the stairs as if he'd been waiting for us. He was wearing nothing but a pair of white boxer briefs and wouldn't move out of our way. He kept saying "so you think I'm a child molester huh?". Finally I was able to get by but my roommate (a large man) said "no, I think you beat your children though". This guy just kept saying "I ain't no molester! I just put a whooping on my kids! What's wrong with that?". Like child protective services is only for children who are being molested. Perfectly fine to beat them, just don't touch them inappropriately. Anyway, after all of this I called the cops who referred me to a detective who literally laughed in my face. He was so rude and insensitive. The neighbor ended up getting evicted after spending some time in jail. So I'm glad this all ended well, but man he was crazy. Not as bad as the woman on this show, but I can definitely relate.


I wonder if that story gets used again for "Fear Thy Neighbor".


I hope so! This was a great episode and I'd like to see the story from another perspective.


This was a creepy episode, definitely a terrifying one. Home is your safe haven, where you feel comfortable and at ease, and poor Amy couldn't even get a good night's sleep because of that maniac next door. I wouldn't feel comfortable even sleeping in my own bed! I was afraid she was going to shoot through the wall.
I've had crazy neighbors before but this one tops them all. The scariest thing I ever experienced is when I moved to a new neighborhood and rented an apartment in a low-income community. Not discriminating at all, but I didn't realize at the time that the complex I rented in housed many people on drug rehab. One night I was awakened by a cop outside my bedroom window shouting at one of my neighbors holding a shotgun, when I peaked out the window, he pointed the shotgun right at me. They were evicted soon after, but I was out of there 3 months later. I'm willing to pay a little more to live in a better location, of course no place will ever be completely 'safe', but you do feel more comfortable in some places.

Knock if off Napolean make yourself a dang quesadil-la!


Where was the neighbor from? I could not place her accent.


I think she had an East European accent.

It was a good episode but the Carlito Perez one is the best one I have seen so far,
