MovieChat Forums > Obsession: Dark Desires Discussion > Hiding in Plain Sight Episode

Hiding in Plain Sight Episode

...Anyone guess correctly who was the telephone terrorist? I'm not gonna lie, I didn't. And this was probably one of the first episodes of this show I watched. Just saw it again this morning. I saw one other thread, mostly people saying how many times she used the word "pregnant" lol...This nonsense went in for awhile, does anybody think they'd have figured it out a lot quicker if it happened to them? Hindsight is 20/20 but at some point you just have to change your number...or get another temporary phone for now and if it ends you can still have your old number. I've often wondered how I'd fared in this situation...


I think the name of the woman is Kristy Greico. She was so stupid she probably had no idea how she got pregnant. Maybe that was why she kept repeating it. That is the problem with many hour long shows on Investigation Discovery. They are too repetitive.

It ticked me off at the end of the show when the stalker had been looking at her facebook page. DUH!!! I don't post too much personal information on facebook. And people need to be confirmed as friends to see anything. If I had an unknown stalker I would be very careful about facebook and possibly cancel my account.


She was no brainiac for sure...if she refused to change her phone number I'm sure she didn't cancel fer Facebook account. IF she was slick she probably could have used her Facebook account to lure the stalker out, so to speak. I don't post much personal info. on FB, either. I know someone who has at least 15 profiles...and he just sits at home getting people he knows to add him so he can stalk them...and about three of us reported him to Facebook and described what was going on....they won't do anything. I only add people now after fully checking them out; you can tell this creep that I was talking about and his phony profiles by simply looking at his friends and friend and it is usually the same one as all his other fake profiles, and he has conversations with himself, too. It's friggin sad...

And I still want to know what kind of "sports car" she had that she had to sell after she got pregnant...and I felt like slapping her for leaving that poor puppy outside to get taken when she knew she had a stalker. I cared more about the dog then her...


She explained why she never bothered to change her number - the stalker knew where she lived, the car she drove and her license plate number, where her mom lived, her mom's number, etc. Changing her cell number really would not have done a whole lot of good.

I just couldn't believe that she would be stupid enough to leave her puppy outside the house, when she knew that she had a faceless, nameless stalker lurking in shadows and watching her every move. Did it not occur to her that he would attempt to take the dog (which that's exactly what he did)?

Hope changes everything.
