Going Postal

Gah! The hairs on my arms and the back of my neck stood straight up when she was feeding her cat in the dark and the tapping on the window started! Scared the sh*t outta me lol!


It freaked me out when she was hiding and he was walking right next to her waving his gun around and looking for her. So creepy!


My mailman is too lazy to stalk anyone.


I have a great letter carrier and she has been responsible for calling attention to 2 elderly people on her route that had stopped picking up their mail and needed medical attention.

I live in a small village and we all love her! We're blessed to have her.

I don't know your circumstances but letter carriers often get bad reps that they don't deserve. I know I sure as hell wouldn't want to have to pound the pavement for 7/8 hours in cold, rain, heat, etc. all the time looking out for some inconsiderate person that lets their dog(s) run free. I give them their well-deserved props.


I just watched that episode earlier this evening and I don't understand why she didn't get the police involved earlier, also why wasn't her boyfriend trying to help protect her more?

"Stop listening to music made by poofs - Stick on some Elton John".


She did mention later on that her and the boyfriend has split up. Her work place where unsupportive as well, when he jumped on the desk in front of the work force with his undies on over his clothes that should have been a warning sign right there that he wasn't playing with the full deck. 
She was asked to take emergency leave from work when it was him that was making all the trouble. Had they taken her side more then that other postal worker guy wouldn't have got shot/killed. They handled it all wrong.


This was one of my least favorite episodes. It seemed like we knew nothing about him. All we knew was that he was unmarried, in his 40s & lived with his mother. We never found out why he killed his mother. I think the post office didn't handle the situation correctly. When he jumped on the table wearing his underwear over his pants, well, that should've been a sign of what was to come. Why was she put on leave, when he was the one at fault? Why wasn't the boyfriend more supportive? So many unanswered questions in this episode.


I got the impression that the boyfriend couldn't handle the whole stalking drama so they broke up.
