dafuq is this

srsly tho


its pretty clear.

it's nina.



Go away, or I shall taunt you a second time!




It's a horror-comedy.


yeah, but the joke's on the viewer.


comedies are meant to have funny scenes, or some sort of humerous element. i didn't find any in this film at all.
Maaaybe the bit at the laundrette where he was washing the bloody sheets, that could maybe be interpereted as humerous, but not the way it was executed, the actor played it too straight and the score didn't influence the scene at all. it was just a scene of a guy washing a bloody sheet, nothing more
its a shame the film got so much recognition, ive seen lesser productions who have made it work more effectivly.


but it wasn't funny or scary. What am I supposed to be afraid of ghost of that naked chick?


It's CRAP is what it is!!

