anyone read the book?

looks ribald.

Season's Greetings!



reading is no joke.

Season's Greetings!


Reading is certainly no joke, but this show sure looks to be. Further, if there really is a book, it just goes to show that publishing houses will publish anything these days. On the other hand, if that's the case, then that gives me better hope that my books will get published when I finish them, lol.


Reading is FUNdamental

I was born in the house my father built


take a look. it's in a book. a reading rainbow!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Season's Greetings!


please tell me everyone realizes this is not based on a real book! It's all fake...people realize that right?! If there is anyone that goes into a bookstore or library and asks where Eric Jonrosh's books are shelved then I am truly scared for the future of this world.


Well, I asked a guy if he had seen the movie This is Spinal Tap and he said he had and had loved the band for years.

Human Rights: Know Them, Demand Them, Defend Them


Yikes, the title of this fictitious (fake) novel alone is brilliantly funny. Smart, smart, smart.
