love it or hate it

I Can See Why Most Love It Or Hate It. I Myself Couldn't Get Into It.


I have no idea how I feel about it right now. Initially I thought it was brilliant but I'm having a hard time getting into it. It feels like it should be a 10 minute show on adult swim or something. It feels like the last season of the whitest kids you know where the sketches got longer and a lot less awesome. I don't know, I was never a fan of funny or die to begin with...although some sketches were brilliant.

"the day I tried to live, I learned that I was alive"


Neither. I liked it, but didn't love it. A lot of jokes fell flat and I really dislike Will Farrell and don't think he's funny at all. I didn't like his book ends in the least. Kristen Wiig, on the other hand is amazing and Tobey Maguire was funny. There's a lot of funny jokes in it, but very rarely made me laugh out loud, but I chuckled a bit. I think if it had been a couple of episodes shorter, it might've been stronger.


Liked it.

With great power comes great responsibility.
