Absolutely Terrible

I mean wtf?


No, this show is awesome. The first show to make me cry from laughter.


This shows great. Its just a spoof of low budget soap operas, With a great cast.


I thought I would hate it, but no. Looking forward to every episode.


It must be frustrating for you when everyone in the room gets a joke except you ?


It went from ok, to mediocre, to extremely forgetable for me. I guess it felt like they were running on the same exact joke in each episode. Case in point- the Will Ferrell openings/ closings. Yes its a parody of old soap operas, but its a lazy parody.

The joke jumble of casting doesn't seem to work on any further level beyond the "look at the jumble of cast members we've got here." If you watch Black Dynamite, it did a phenomenally better job of parodying blacksploitation films from the same era. The humor worked even if you didn't actually watch those films. Spoils failed to do the same.


I was pretty excited to watch it when it started but that quickly turned into indifference and disappointment. The jokes were there but they weren't very funny, the silliness was there but it was just stupid and on top of it all the 'plot' was an incoherent mess that just bounced to a different scene every couple of minutes. All this show did was remind me how much better Darkplace pulled the same thing off.
