Strange IN digits

There are Indian (Devanagari) numerals written on the blackboard at the school in the community center. And one on the community center building front sign board as well.

I understand that 5 a 8 digit shapes (glyphs) are the variants to the "standard" (or Bombay) Devanagari digits - e.g. the 5 on the table looks somewhat like cursive Latin lowercase "y", but look e.g. on the official Indian 500 rupee banknote, the "standard" 5 looks more like mirrored Indian 2.

I understand these variants are sometimes/somewhere used (when?, where?). However, the "9" digit is very strange. It looks like Nepali 9 variant (like mirrored ("western"/"arabic") "3"), but with additional horizontal bar in the middle.

If you are from India, does the 9 on the blackboard look OK to you?
