MovieChat Forums > Skinwalker Ranch (2013) Discussion > Text from "news articles" during credits...

Text from "news articles" during credits- SPOILERS

SPOILERS -Text from "news articles" during credits- SPOILERS

#1 - Bizarre happenings on multiple Utah ranches
#2 - Government probably covered up mysterious orbs
#3 - Multi-universe theory: sightings might be OUR molecules reacting to, or sharing an alternate dimension
#4 - Mutilated cattle missing organs/parts, blood drained. May have natural causes
#5 - Multiple eyewitnesses lend credibility to a particular sighting
#6 - Utah: hotbed of the unnatural. *Mentions multiple deaths including a young boy whose body wasn't found
#7 - In the 1890s, Utah was cursed by Utah Indians when the US government forced their departure & resettlement
#8 - Rancher experiences strange happenings while his son is missing
#9 - MDE research employees disappear - under investigation. US cover up?
#10- MDE (Modern Defense Enterprises) is an advanced military weapons research facility that attempts to control the laws of physics - including vortices, our universe's dimensional fabric, opening portals to other dimensions, and how to use human psychic abilities to connect to spirits, skinwalkers, and aliens in them.
#11- Utah farmer sees "portals"
#12- A mysterious world intersects with the familiar world in Utah, creating strange occurrences

... notates missing words
*** notates a different column
_____ notates separate paragraph
Sorry for weird formatting. I did my best. =)

Wednesday, April 13, 2005 (11)
"Paranormal Ranch" not Isolated incident

_____ A ranch in the Utah Basin region is rich in UFO sightings, hauntings and bizarre happenings. The boom in UFO sightings in recent months, observed during both day and nighttime hours is not an isolated... numerous accounts have been... all over the US of people observing... activity. In the stable there has been activity such as strange knockings,... and people reporting the feeling... touched.



_____ These mysterious red orb like shapes hovering above Utah are not the first UFOs to be observed. To date no one has been able to explain them, especially not the locals who are mystified as to what these orbs could be.
_____ The most popular theory as to what these amber orbs are in reality are sun glare or the reflection.
_____ Utah has a reputation for many UFO sightings. The government... that they have...
_____ ...that people will panic, leading to unnecessary chaos. They also have other motives for keeping UFO sightings under wraps. The government does not want its citizens to know that they have no say, and advanced technology, well being of the earth and outer space as their first priority. There is also the power struggle for superiority in the world.
_____ Should the government make an announcement of the discovery of extraterrestrial life, only a small portion expect it to...


Mathematicians expand on possibility of alternate dimensions

By C. Wilson (Chris Wilson - producer)
_____ Talk of alternate dimensions is a topic often left to science fiction books and movies, but some mathematicians and scientists say it is an almost certainty that alternate dimensions are a reality.
_____ Dr. Jaxon Mayervich, a mathematician who works at the University of Florida, said the scientific community is slowly coming to terms with the mathematics behind string theory and the inevitability of mul-...
_____ highly likely alternate dimension, and other by-products of sting theory, can be said to exist."
_____ "String theory and the like are new by science standards, it's cutting edge stuff that even Einstein hadn't thought of."
_____ However, don't expect science texts to change yet as it does take a while for paradigm-change to take hold in the science community, according to Murphy Michaels (Murphy Michaels - writer, producer, production designer, visual effects supervisor and character "Chemical Suit Escort #1"), who has a PhD in the history of science.
_____ "String theory and the like are new by science standards, it's cutting edge stuff that even Einstein hadn't thought of," said Michaels.
_____ "It's fascinating stuff, but hard fact is difficult to prove without hard data."
_____ Be sure to check out the 57th annual Utah Science Convention where talk of alternate dimensions, wormholes and time travel will be...
_____ ...mathematicians and scientists from around the world.
_____ Mathematicians consider strange sightings in the air around a ranch in Utah is caused by radiation from another dimension causing excitations in the atmospheric molecules. The implication of this phenomena require a reassessment of the nature of physical reality.
_____ An explanation for this has captivated the most brilliant mathematicians. Now they think they may have found a theory that the universe we live in is not the only one. Some of the molecules of oxygen and nitrogen could be absorbing radiation from the other side of the dimensional barrier, causing random photon re-radiation in the air.
_____ Mathematicians have discovered that the Universe is nothing more than one of infinite number of membranes, just one of the many universes which make up the multiverse. By studying the properties of atoms, they have found that particles have the possibility of being in more than one place at one time.
_____ The particles don't just exist in our Universe but also exist in alternate... dimensions. Across the...


December 21, 2010

_____ ...Local authorities are taking cattle mutilation reports more seriously but are still mystified. Cattle... were reported to have been missing mouth, anus, eyes and nose, sometimes found to be drained of blood.
_____ Without knowing what killed an animal, it's impossible to determine the exact time of death. Most of the mutilated cattle were found within a few days, blood will naturally begin to clot and coagulate after the animal dies, creating the appearance of the loss of blood. The blood of course hasn't gone anywhere. It has just partly dried up, and the water content has evaporated.
_____ A rancher and his son had gone hunting on the family ranch on the Sunday and came upon the remains of a heifer. The dead animal was... its insides...


...cell phone and cash and other personal items.
Inidentified craft seen by dozens of eyewitnesses

_____ UFO sightings often go unreported by rational human beings, says psychologist and avid ufologist, Dr. Ken Bretschneider (Ken Bretschneider - writer), because of the stigma behind preaching the paranormal.
_____ ...crowd of spectators gathered at... mountain to catch a glimpse of... shower were even more... a large, un-... than...
_____ "I... doesn't believe in aliens... life, and said 'are you seeing this?... just nodded. I think he's still speechless."
_____ McGinn (Devin McGinn - co-director, writer, producer, editor & character "Cameron Murphy" [the neutral observer journalist]) said this sighting is far different than other traditional reports, it carries more weight because of the amount of first-hand accounts, each corroborating the next.
_____ "It's fascinating, and begs the question, what's really out there?"
_____ Daniel McGinn, Devin's husband, said he's definitely a believer after last night.
_____ "It looked like a huge metal disc and there were lights on the underside," said Daniel. "It was like something out of the movies, really."
_____ State police said that around 12:35 AM, the phone lines blew with calls about an unidentified flying object spotted in the skies.
_____ There had been no comment from any federal agency.


COUNTY NEWS -- Thursday December 1...
...there a "Bermuda Triangle" in Utah?

_____ ...The government re-... ...cognize this and does not... an official stand on it.
_____ ...the 1960's... the mystery continued to attract attention. dig deeper into most... though, they're much less... ...-erious. Either they were never... area to begin with, they were... -ally found, or there's a reasonable explanation for their disappearance.
_____ There have been many bizarre incidents in Utah. At Big Creek witnesses claimed to have heard shouting when neither dogs nor children were present.
_____ In the Canyon Crest area, a parked vehicle rolled down a slope into the canyon more than one hundred feet below, killing nine people, including a young boy whose body has never been found. At least five other known fatalities have also occurred on this pass.
_____ There have been nine cattle mutilations in Utah this year The bodies horribly mutilated as if with surgical precision - eyes removed, innards gone, the skin grotesquely peeled away. The predator, or... have left no footprints to...
_____ ...stains on the earth to speak to the slaughter.
_____ In some mutilation cases, the cows entire insides appear to have vanished. A horse was found skinned, its tongue, lips and anus had been removed. Strangely, no... were found which leads to the possibility that the horse might have been...
_____ But Utah seems to have a special affinity for these strange events. In 1966,the very first animal mutilation, the strange killing of a horse known as Thunder occurred. Thunder's strange death lead the way to recent mutilations, with no evidence to be found.
_____ Many ranchers believe that aliens are behind these mutilations and extraterrestrials are still offered up today as an explanation for these bizarre events. Skeptics counter that the attacks are caused by predator animals (despite the lack of tracks) and insects. They have no explanation as to why the carcasses of only certain animals show these strange effects or why ranchers, who presumably are familiar with a variety of cattle death, find these specific deaths to be out of the ordinary.
_____ The residents of southwestern Utah experienced an intense, un-imaginable bright flash of light which lit the area brighter than daylight for 2-3 seconds. At the same time, people from all across western Utah began calling the UFO hotlines reporting their sightings on an unidentified object trav...
_____ ...elling overhead. Most reported a hovering ball of light.
_____ A crowd of 12 stargazers were shocked when a mysterious UFO was spotted hovering in the sky in rural Utah. Eyewitnesses recall it hovering for half an hour in the clear night sky on Saturday. The witnesses describe the object... slowly...
_____ strange knockings, apparitions, and people reported the feeling of being touched.
_____ A cluster of paranormal activity has been reported on another ranch in Colorado. Witnesses report sightings of strange humanoid entities and UFOs. The US government is... because of since the incredible and strange phenomena that has been reported. Reports of mysterious balls of light and a supposed... inter-dimensional portal.
_____ Another highly active location in a ranch in Colorado has been a focus of many paranormal... Strange orange light orbs... been reported... and two horses...


(photo caption) The curse goes back to the connection between the Utah Indians and the land they were forced to leave. According to local legend, the valley was cursed by the natives upon their forced exodus to federal reservation grounds in Utah.
"This land is cursed" says local tribesman

_____ George Horner (William George Horner? 1786–1837 - mathematician - major contributor to mathimatical theory & science)
_____ Not many people have heard of the curse of the Skinwalker Ranch. Those who dwell there for more than 30 days are subject to "The Curse." "Unless you take some dirt with you, you will never leave this place" says a local tribesman. Back in the 1890's is when the curse originated, when the town was first settled. Until then it had
_____ The early settlers possibly felt bad for their actions and therefore started the myth of the curse to ensure that even though that had forced them to leave their home, they would someday return.
_____ Now the myth of... continues with our... generation. According... this Curse is real. ...-ricks: lived in Utah... years before she and... -band left. After seve... had had enough of...
_____ ...connection between the Utah Indians and the land they were forced to leave. According to local legend, the valley was cursed by the natives upon their forced exodus to federal...


Week ending Friday, November 29, 2002
Ranch family terrorized by the unknown forces

_____ A local farming family has been reporting mysterious incidents occurring on their... recently, but many think... a cry-wolf...
_____ After the disappearance of...
_____ ...bright lights flashing in his field.
_____ "I'm sure it's just vandals trying... spook him because of what happened to his son," said the sheriff. "There have been cattle... all over the state,...
_____ As for the bright lights, they're just flashlights."
_____ With further reports of footsteps being heard of his roof and scratching on his door, the rancher has been granted police-surveillance on the property to ensure his safety.
_____ Police are continuing their search for the rancher's 10-year-old son.


Wednesday, 12 February 2003

By C. Wilson (Chris Wilson - producer)
_____ Several world-acclaimed researchers, geniuses by many accounts, specializing in the paranormal, as well as unidentified flying objects have been found dead or have gone missing.
_____ Dr. M. Brown (Doctor Emmett Brown? - genius scientist in "Back to the Future"), foremost paranormal specialist was declared missing three weeks ago. His car was found with a full tank of gas and the keys in the ignition. His disappearance made to look like a suicide.
_____ According to colleagues and Dr... family, the Ivy League Sci-...the American... com-...
_____ ...attention to this. The missing MDE Researchers is a warning that something big is being covered up possibly by the US government.
_____ By connecting the dots, so to speak, with regard to each researcher, information will soon be unleashed on the world. Investigations into the recent disappearance of major MDE paranormal researchers are in progress.
_____ Another researcher, Jaxon Mayervich (quoted mathematician in article #3) has vanished. MDE says his disappearance is not connected to the Skinwalker Ranch.
_____ MDE officials have said that they had been tracking the facility for some time but that in July -- around... Mayervich is said to have... US government...
_____ deny that Mayervich had any particular expertise in paranormal, but now the government is openly discussing his background.
_____ MDE admits they have no idea what happened in the bizarre disappearance of another one of their researchers, Kettlesworth. He began working at the ranch facility seven years ago.
_____ On the question of foul play, officials said a thorough search Kettlesworth's computer records, storage devices, laptop and house uncovered nothing that points to him either looking at suicide or anybody that would like to do harm to him.
_____ MDE says there were no signs that there was anything strange going on or that he wasn't up to the... ... that he normally performed., keys, wallet...



_____ They are known for doing advanced military weapons research. MDE (Modern defense Enterprises) put together a team of top paranormal researchers to do an investigation at the Skinwalker ranch in Utah. Since the team disappeared without a trace, they have come under scrutiny and investigation.
_____ MDE's research includes a... range of perspectives on the... paranormal and supernatural, the...
_____ of everyday citizens, people involved in psychic interaction with presences and to everything in between.
_____ By researching the laws of physics within the universe, they are able to apply these to various paranormal and supernatural phenomena. This brings the objective scrutiny of the scientific approach to such investigation.
_____ MDE's latest research involves the theory of vortices and wormholes, in our universe's dimensional fabrics, opening portals for psychic interaction.
_____ ...been a goal of MDE's paranormal investigators. Modern thinking brings in the concept of 'energies' and MDE's research takes this on another step to the potential measurement and interpretation of the waveforms and other aspects of energies.
_____ MDE explores spirits, skinwalkers, aliens and how they exist and if humans can use their "psychic" abilities to tune into the energies through the mind.
_____ A new element of MDE's research is to monitor the energies which come into...



_____ There are mysterious events at a ranch near northern Utah. Many local residents claim to have seen odd bright lights floating at night or discovered dead mutilated cows in the morning but very few can explain the source.


Strange happenings in rural Utah

By Devin McGinn (Devin McGinn - co-director, writer, producer, editor & character "Cameron Murphy" [the neutral observer journalist])
_____ There are places of mystery in the world. Strange things are seen and bizarre events unfold in these mysterious places. Visible mysteries have been occurring lately in the rural parts like UFOs and strange orbs of light moving through the sky.
_____ Field investigator and researcher Murphy Michaels (Murphy Michaels - writer, producer, production designer, visual effects supervisor and character "Chemical Suit Escort #1") has spent his last few years living in Utah, interviewing witnesses, and... UFO sightings,... and other supernatural phenomena. ...has written books on...
_____ Sky watching is a game that involves a lot of patience. He witnessed a variety of inexplicable light phenomena. A randomly laced trail of varicolored light hovering over the ground, light streaks, orbs, and, in a few cases, structured objects. Murphy claims that the frequency of UFO sightings over the canyons has picked up lately.
_____ Locals have been seeing "a ship" that will characteristically appear suddenly behind hills to the south and west. The unusual moving lights seem too far off to classify them as UFOs. Others have witnessed a low-flying airplane surrounded by a brilliant...
_____ The presence of humanoid entities, mysterious craft and animals offer clues to the mysterious world that is intersecting the familiar world in these remote parts of Utah.
(Article repeats) There are places of mystery in the world. >>>>>>>>>> Field investigator and researcher Murphy Michaels has spent his last few years living in Utah, interviewing witnesses and... (End repeat)
_____ ...his sky watching. he kept searching for a focus for the phenomena and found three, one was on a 90 acre ranch off back roads in an isolated canyon.
(Article repeats) Sky watching is a game...
_____ ...light streaks, orbs, and in a few cases, structured objects. (End repeat) The... of mysterious...

Help! There's a peck here with an acorn pointed at me!
