End Credits (Some Spoilers)

A heads-up for anyone going to see this film: do stay through the end credits, as there are additional jokes right up to the very end.

If you really must leave early, I would still strongly recommend you try to sit through the photo montage at the start of the credits: it finishes with a payoff to the "staring dog" running gag that's an absolute hoot!


Agreed. But why was the rooster doing a Usain Bolt pose?

Let's see if anyone tries to kill us and work backwards


It was the part of the "running joke" (see what I did there?) about the Rooster spicing up his morning wake-up routine differently every time. That made me chuckle I must admit; the short sight gags in the movie were funny, I thought.

"Oh good, my dog found the chainsaw..."


I came to this message board with the intention of posting pretty much what you have just said! Thanks for saving me the trouble - and I would also highlight the brief revelation about the mad-eyed staring stir-crazy dog in the animal pound, that made me laugh out loud. It's all worth watching though.

"Oh good, my dog found the chainsaw..."


I'm not keen on bumping threads as a general rule, however with the film finally being released in the States I thought it might be appropriate in this case.
