Suitable for 4-year-old?

This is in theaters now where I live, and I wonder if I could go and watch this with my 4-year-old son. I don't like to show him violence.

Wait! Does this also mean putting out doesn't get you love?


I would have thought it would be fine for a 4-year-old. Shaun the Sheep is classified as "U" in the UK, which means it's considered suitable for children aged four and over. The film contains a fair bit of slapstick, but it's pretty mild. From the BBFC classification:
Several sequences of mild slapstick, such as a bull charging at a man and sending him flying into the air and landing unscathed in a large pile of manure, and a big hole being made in a man's trousers after he is dragged along behind a speeding caravan.

You can see the BBFC's comments in full here:
(Click the down arrow to expand the "Insight" section.)


Thanks for your answer and examples, they were helpful. Here in Finland it's rated 4/7, meaning 4-year-olds are allowed to watch it with their parents, but not alone. Programs meant for under 7-year-olds don't include any violence (means also slapstick), and I personally like that.

Wait! Does this also mean putting out doesn't get you love?


Yes, is suitable for 4-year-old.


Considerably less violent than Tom and Jerry so, yes, suitable. A rare film that is suitable for all ages that all ages will also enjoy.


Suitable for all ages.
I'm 72 and loved it.


My 2 year old loves it.


My 4 year old loved it but did find the 'bad guy' to be a bit scary at times.

Fantastic movie, great theater experience. Everyone sat at the end watching the credits and had big smiles on their faces.

