Is this movie any good?

I'm really interested in seeing this film but I have to know, how good is it?



Oh cool! Sounds like it's good :)



I am so looking forward to this movie my wife and I are fans of the TV series. Anything with Shaun and Timmy in it together is hilarious.


Yes. It's currently my favourite movie of 2015.


Awesome! :) I look forward to seeing it


It was highly enjoyable.

I give it 10/10.



It's a work of comedy genius that's wasted on kids!


My kids loved it too!

An all around great time at the movies.


I also gave it 8/10. I've never uttered the word "delightful", but that perfectly describes this movie.

Billy the Kid


How good it is is very subjective. I watched it with my granddaughter and we did not enjoy it at all. gave it 3/10. That psychotic animal control officer scared the bejeezus out of the wee one and thoroughly spoiled the film.

And I am a big fan of the Shaun the Sheep cartoons so was very disappointed by the film. If you like watching a bunch of animals run endlessly around the big city, chased by an evil, maniacal animal abuser, then this film will no doubt be right up your alley.


It's very good. I gave it a 7 out of 10, but I kept comparing it to other Aardman films - Wallace & Gromit and Chicken Run and it didn't hold up to the comparison.


I gave it a 7/10. Mainly the comedy which didn't quite hit me all the way through and overall, I didn't feel as though I were enjoying it. That said, I recognize the effort put into these characters and the animators to get across what they were feeling despite being nonverbal. I never got a "Why am I watching this?" feeling like with "Minions" or "Home". I'm also not a parent nor did I grow up with a lot of stop motion in my life, so that could be another factor.

Wasn't for me, but it's definitely worth checking out.

If you're happy and you know it, go sit in the corner and think about your life.


I understand. Though, I actually liked Home


This movie is not for adults. Mainly for pre-teens. Very silly and repetitive.

"I will not go down in history as the greatest mass-murderer since Adolf Hitler!" - Merkin Muffley


This movie is not for adults. Mainly for pre-teens. - snelling

You didn't like it. Fair enough. But don't say no adult can/will/should like it just because you don't.

The film has a 99% fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes, and was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Animated Feature Film, so there clearly are adults who like this movie.


I really enjoyed it, gave it an 8/10. Definitely worth watching!

