MovieChat Forums > Lucy (2014) Discussion > The people on this message board.....

The people on this message board.....

Who don't get it, are the point! They are not quite evolution they are most certainly devolution. It's a clever movie that tries to educate, if you don't get it, go back to asking "hey, where's da rabbits???" Ignorance is bliss for the blank spots who have the same in their head.......

Now there's a clue.......


I thought it was a great metaphorical piece about enlightenment.


Couldn't agree more!


What a load of existential BS.

If you need to stroke your ego further, please detail what this film "tries to educate" us about.

This should be fun.

"Don't get chumpatized!" - The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters (2007)


The movie started perfectly just to become a messyaction flick. This is why I didn't like it, so it must mean I'm "devolution", right?
