Any other clothes?

I have to admit, I haven't seen the show, but when I've watched Little House the past few weeks, they've shown previews of this show. In the previews, they show a Navy master chief, but every time they show him, he's wearing his choker whites. Is he always going to some formal event? He's the only one who is always dressed up. Does he wear anything else on the show?

I'm just expressing my opinion.

You may all go to hell, and I will go to Texas.


1 commercial for 1 episode...He was going to a formal event. Ordinarily, he's dressed very casually - doing odd jobs & coming to terms with his PTSD. It's a great show.


Yes, the LTJG (as he was introduced originally) was wearing CPO anchors on his dress whites, but he's introduced as an LTJG. Not to mention that no Navy Seal (yes, this moody pretty boy soap opera model is Special Warfare) would show up at an official function in formal dress with that haircut even if he's off active duty. Great attention to detail there,
