Gave up after 15 minutes

Ok, so I am not those who need to have a "fast-paced" movie or anything. I've sit through my share of slow "art" type movies (like What Time Is It There (2001)). But this I just could not bear.

First, we sat through what seemed to be an unending dance sequence featuring an old woman. Ok, they need to get through the opening credits. Whatever. Right after, the movie spends nearly the same amount of time showing off another woman dancing! WTF?

When you think the storyline is finally taking off, they spend I don't know how long showing a woman sing. Turned it off right there and then.

I don't know what the point of this movie is. I don't know what the director hoped to achieve with these long sequences that don't add anything except to make the viewer ask what the point is. But honestly, I don't give a damn. Turned it off and never coming back. Good thing I just downloaded it. Hate to think what I'd feel if I had paid for it, whether that be by buying the DVD or paying for a VOD viewing.

The character may be "happiness of this world" but this movie certainly is not. If you're suicidal, this movie'll push you over the edge.
