This Film Still On?

Will it have difficulty commercially owing to the scandal?


Probably not. He has a built in fan base who want to see his films. Typically, when a film of his receives fantastic reviews/awards attention, it does better at the box office because more people are interested than the average Woody fans (i.e. Midnight in Paris, Match Point, Blue Jasmine), whereas most Woody films don't necessarily make a splash.



I would say it will definitely suffer commercially, and will probably not make a whole lot of money. I'd wager that it will be out of the red numbers before the theatrical run is at an end though.


Everybody has A.D.D. nobody will remember any of that by the time the movie comes out this summer.


It's not going to hurt it. In fact, if I remember right, Husbands and Wives actually did better business because of the Mia Farrow scandal.
