Actual filming locations?

Is there anyone here who has seen the movie, respectful enough to stay through the credits, who can verify all the filming locations credited in the film? I have not had the chance to see it yet, but some friends who did claim it was not filmed in France at all. I don't think any of them have actually ever been to the locations in France the movie is set in, but they claim it looks like other places in the USA they've been to. Came here to check, and surprisingly this info isn't posted yet :( I hear the cinematography is quite beautiful, just wondering what was actually used.



Thank you! I won't be able to see anything on ABC (I'm currently outside of the USA) but I can see youtube.


It was filmed in China. They have very good technicians to make it actually look like southern France. LOL!!


many of those scenes look familiar. Might be mostly shot in the Var, a lovely department that has a long stretch on the cote d'azur. That whole region, known as PACA (Provence Alpes Cote d'Azur)... Incredible countryside and coastline on the Mediterranean. I live in a small fishing village in the southern part of Marseille and those scenes from the movie look legit to me.


I'm almost certain the observatory is the one in the city of Nice.

- A point in every direction is the same as no point at all.


Watching Magic in the Moonlight's many driving-through-the-countryside-on-coastal-roads sequences made me wonder exactly how far it was between the Catledge estate in Nice and Stanley's Aunt Vanessa's home in Provence. According to this map, it's a nearly two-hour drive of 176 km (109 miles):,France/Aix-en-Provence,France

Yes, this is the knd of thing I obsess over. I've also watched Magic in the Moonlight a lot. 


I live in a small fishing village in the southern part of Marseille and those scenes from the movie look legit to me.
Are there still empty beaches like the one in the movie, anywhere on a decent day along the Cote d'Azur? Or are the beaches as crowded as I imagine them to be?


In and around Nice.


It was the South of France and some of the parts looked familiar because I have been there.

Its that man again!!
