Paying for ringtones?

Are we in 2002? Oh, no it's 2016 but with Apple's limitations and restrictions iPhone users who don't know much are forced to buy ringtones if they actually want a different ringtone to play when their phone rings.

To be honest, that's a ripoff as it can be done free of charge (as long as you already own it). I use AnyTrans which allows to control what I transfer to my iPhone (I got it as a gift otherwise I wouldn't have one) and so it costs zero.

Screw ya, Apple and Kevin Hart for praising it.


It's a joke you weirdo


Not really, numbskull. People do pay for ringtones.


I meant what Kevin hart said was a joke, so what if people pay for ringtones it's their money. People pay for drugs and hookers too who cares


Was that actually an apple chime? I think that is the default on my android phone.


people pay for ringtones all the time. millions and millions of them a year. I wouldn't, because I am a tech guy, but plenty of people are simply not that kind of savvy, and screw you for talking down about them. they probably save that money by not having to pay for companionship like you do.


Was actually the funniest scene in the film tbf
