MovieChat Forums > Rick and Morty (2013) Discussion > Has this ever happened to anyone else?

Has this ever happened to anyone else?

You avoid watching a show like this just because their characters are so creepy looking. Then you watch the show and realize that it's wonderful and regretted avoiding it for so long? Same thing happened with Bob's Burgers lol


Yup, it has for me.

My sis told me about this show early last year year, was certain I would love it but it was this summer when bored, and it was raining buckets so i gave it a shot and watched it. Loved it


Yeah, but it didn't scare me off from watching this show. I had a similar experience with a comic called "Manifest Destiny", but now I really like it.



I can't lie, I just finished season 1 and I'm still pretty creeped out by some of the characters, especially when they visit other dimensions.

Everybody needs love. Have you held your hostage today?


That happened to me with Community. I started watching when it was at s03e10. But did look at the first episode on the night of the premiere.

I hadn't seen Chevy Chase since the vacation series. He looked way too creepy to me.

¸.·´¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*¨)
(¸.·´ (¸.·I think I'm better than everyone else because I'm 40.


I feel a bit more nervous that the creators' imaginations are so vast when they create visuals of characters from other worlds that I'm BOUND to be spooked out eventually. Hasn't happened yet, but it's a wary feeling, like there's going to be something that appears that is just TOO gross to stomach. Every now and then they like to shock the viewers.

Don't think the human characters are necessarily that creepy looking, but I can relate - I used to find all the kids' Cartoon Network shows creepy as hell when I was a kid!


Omg like Courage the Cowardly Dog?? That show scared the sh*t out of me but I still watched it every time it came on lmao


Definitely. Plus Cow and Chicken, CatDog, Ren and Stimpy ... nope nope nope to all of those.


Yes, CatDog was a little strange for me as well. But it wasn't as creepy as Courage. Man, that show gave me nightmares lol


I've known about Rick and Morty almost since it was created because I'm a big fan of Community, but I wouldn't be able to tell why I never watched it.

I only started watching it like a week ago, and I regret not having seen it before. Although, I must admit I've just finished watching season 2 and I'm sad because I will have to wait until Netflix has season three.


Pukemepoopyou from futurama kinda shook my grip


Yes, I avoided this show for a year, and I ran out of other shows to watch, I watched both seasons tonight.. I feel so stupid now.
