Is it really that good?

Like this show has a higher rating then the Simpsons! I haven't seen it but is it really that amazing or are people just rating everything they like a 10?

Always follow my rules, even if I don't.


Just watch it and decide for yourself.

I didn't care for the pilot, but ep 2 was great and I was hooked from there.


If you can appreciate really smart science/ sci-fi jokes mixed with really obscene bathroom humor, then yes, it's really THAT good. Imagine Futurama, but more cynical.


I just watched both seasons in two days - I thought it was awesome ... great characters, great stories, really interesting universe - I ranked it an 8/10 ... I'm not a fanboy all of a sudden, but I'd recommend it to anyone


I honestly feel like it's really hit or miss, especially season 1, although when it hits, it really really hits. It's awesome when it's on and firing well. I didn't like a lot of season 1 the first time I watched it. There were a few episodes I liked from it. I loved most of Season 2 and it helped me to go back and rewatch Season 1 and appreciate episodes I didn't really care for the first go through.

I'd say watch it and judge for yourself. Is it better than The Simpsons? I honestly think it's way too soon to make that call, it's only got 2 seasons under it's belt and it's still very much just an infant. I mean, the best season of the Simpsons is Season 8, in my opinion, so it's hard to compare the two shows when one of them only has 2 seasons.

I'd say let's see where it goes.

Right now, I'd say Rick And Morty is definitely overrated. I'm not saying it's bad, because i really enjoy it a lot but I do feel like it's overrated at this point in time. It's still really good though. It's just not the best thing ever, in my opinion.

If I can't travel freely with my drum of drugs than the terrorists have won.


Well, it asctually IS really imaginative and original, and yes, it's something I never seen before. I don't think it's overrated. Of course, I prefer stuff like South Park and Family Guy because well, I grew up in it. But, it gets what it deserves.


Okay? That's cool man. Thankfully we're allowed to have our own opinions. You think it isn't overrated and I think it kinda is at times. That's perfectly fine.

But I never said that is wasn't imaginative, original, or something people haven't sen before...soo.....uhhhh...okay?

If I can't travel freely with my drum of drugs than the terrorists have won.


Let me start by saying I love the show. I actually just gave at a 9. Are we clear so far? Yes? Cool.

Okay, yes, the show IS really imaginitave, but is it really "original"? I would say it's not 100% original. I mean, sure, few things are. Practically, nothing is 100% original, but you know what I mean. I would say it's about 50% original. It's not something we have never seen before. If you think about it, it takes a lot from shows like Adventure Time and Futurama. It's like a mixture of the two, with some South Park-type of humor.

I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing, to be honest. I believe that, as long as you're capable of bringing something new to the table, grabbing inspiration from other sources is never wrong, and this show gets that right (I would say Bruno Mars is an example of the opposite, but that's a subject for another day).

Now, I know I just said I gave it a 9, but I do think a rating of 9,3 is a little too high for this. I know it may sound weird, but hopefully some people will get the idea. I do think it's a little overrated, but to be honest, most things are these days, especially here in IMDb. Every other new release gets incredibly high ratings, especially considering there are more chances more people will watch something new rather than something that was made 20 years ago.

Look at shows like Stranger Things, or movies like Interstellar, for example. They're not really game-changing events, but most people here in IMDb really fell for them, and that's okay I guess. It does bother me sometimes (esp the two examples I just gave), but not in the case of Rick and Morty, because I think it's really good and hopefully it will continue giving us great moments of fun.



I can't disagree with you about Imdb ratings in another hand... XD and Interstellar is in my opinion an awful movie, so it pleases me that you mention it as an example.

As for the original aspect. In a way, today you can't be really original without borrowing your idea from somewhere else ...


Right now, I'd say Rick And Morty is definitely overrated.

There is no such thing as "overrated" (when it comes to movies/TV shows). There is what you think in regard to what the masses think. The masses could just as easily say that you are "underrating" it. Which would be equally as silly.

Overrated/Underrated is just a less arrogant way of saying "Everyone else is wrong b/c I feel differently!"


That is generally true, but the problem with the top 250 (both in movies and TV shows) is that it makes some people feel that there are certain productions that, despite being good enough to be in the top 250, are not as good as to be in the top 10.

Lately, I feel like every recent movie or TV show that is relatively good is somewhat overrated because they immediatly make it to the top 250. Every time I think about the fact that Interstellar is above 2001: A Space Odyssey, I lose my faith in humanity.


you realize you putting 2001 above interstellar is your point of view right?

you can think Kubrick is a genius and 2001 is one of the best movie ever made, and to some extend it's a damn good movie, the story was great and original, hell most of it was perfectly executed, but as someone who recently rewatched it.. well like most of the movies from back then it's really hard to digest, the pace is damn slow, and in today's world the movie lost a bit of it's interest because the idea doesn't sound original anymore, it might have been one of the first back then but it's like lord of the rings, we're tired of seeing elves and orcs

we got to live with our world and move on. yes teach 2001 in art school (I studied it back then at my school, and it teaches a lot of things) but like most movies at some point it just grows old to too many aspects.

so if interstellar is rated higher than 2001 there might be some good reasons (not all of them I agree), as much as a new sci fi movie will take its place sooner or later because the technic will improve, because of some fantastic actors/actresses, because of new original staging, direction and so on and probably a more fresh topic, and hey that's how life is, and you can either stay stuck in the past thinking everything was better back in the days or enjoy the new things coming and yet still enjoy some oldies with their own flaws

I see you have finn as an avatar, I grew up with dragon ball, looney tunes, simpsons and such, they're god damn great shows, some might say the looney tunes for instance are master pieces, same with the old disneys, and it's true.. but nowadays I watch rick and morty, adventure times, and even though simpsons were there first does that make them better than the new episodes of say american dad or rick and morty for instance?
it's up to you to decide but for me I'm having a blast watching rick or bravest warriors while rewatching the old simpsons episode just bore me to death even though I thought it was genius back then.

sorry for the long post but yeah, bottom line 2001, even ben hur (the original) etc are not gonna stay in the top 100 movie forever, and THANKS GOD, or that would mean we can't make better movies anymore, and that would be so *beep* sad


Right up there with Simpsons, Futurama, Family Guy, American Dad, South Park,
at their peak.

And even close to Duckman,

Its something new to watch if you like those, and can't stand the rest.


Just saw episode one, it was enjoyable but i don't think I've seen enough to gain a opinion.

Always follow my rules, even if I don't.


Wow thanks for your valuable input.


best thing on tv next to Sunny imo


Yeah, it's great, just don't read too far into it and don't think it goes deeper than it does.

Communism was just a Red herring!
