
1.why does rick always refer to other ricks as being from alternate timelines or time periods when in actual fact they are obviously from parallel universes, alternate timelines suggest that time has been changed within only one universe.

I think the creators have even said time travel doesn't exist on the show(yet at least) so why are ricks doppelgangers never referred to as being from parallel universes the jerry day care situated in our ricks universe or does rick travel to whatever parallel universe it exists because it looks like rick just flies to it where ever it is in the his universe


To answer your first question a parallel universe is a universe that is exactly sthe same as ours which isn't correct as all the other iniverses are alternate timelines. That is alternate ways the world could have been instead of a world exactly the same (maybe a minor difference).


At some point, I can't remember when (within the first season), Rick explains to Morty how alternate timelines create parallel universes. So within context of this show, these refer to the same thing.

The Jerryboree facility appears to be merely on a different planet.

"But... what about the relevant conundrum?"


1. Parallel universes are alternate timelines, when we make a decision we create an infinite amount of alternate timelines based off of the decisions we didn't make, it is basically the butterfly effect. Parallel universes are the universes based off of these decisions. In conclusion, parallel universes and alternate timelines are synonymous phrases.

2. The Jerry daycare exists on a cross-dimensional plain, the daycare exists in every dimension, hence why Rick and Morty had to wait a while before it faded into their reality.


that thing about the crossdiomention is really interesting. have you heard it somewhere or is it just your theory? i always imagined he did travel to another universe, but that it wasnt shown.

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