MovieChat Forums > Rick and Morty (2013) Discussion > If the game Roy was real....

If the game Roy was real....

Would you play it?

I would, but I think it'd be a REALLY addictive game.

💡There is no movie in Ba Sing Se💡


Definitely. And I'd take him off the grid.


"If the game Roy was real...."

The game would be banned for allowing ordinary people to engage in and/or see illegal activities..that's only for the ruling class and legally protected minion idiotic idiots.

Or it wouldn't be banned, but everything you did would be used against you after you died in it, like a double whammy gameover.


I would play it. Lol.

When the game ends, I would have the wisdom of an old man. Thus helping me make better decisions in the real world!

Imagine having the wisdom of an old man, but you're still young?


You do realise that "wisdom" would make you senile?


Is that true? Where did you hear that at?


Old people get senile and start making stuff up. This "wisdom" would be useless.

I don't give a f*@K about a troll who doesn't pay for his opinion telling me how to review movies.


I don't know where you got the badly mistaken idea that senility is universal, but you have been misinformed.

Also only Roy ages; the players don't. So even if Roy does develop cognition problems later in life, the player doesn't. They don't get his cancer either, in case you missed that.

"I'm okay with it being awkward between us."


Yeah, I'm not really sure what point JasonRebourne is trying to make. He keeps going on this rant, but seems confused about the effect that the game has on the players.

To add to your point, the players don't also die when the game is over, lol.


Maybe they act that way because of an illness?

Maybe old people are so smart and wise that their ways seem foolish to us normal people?


If its an illness, it would again be useless to us.

And your second explanation makes no sense whatsoever.

Also Morty still acts like a 14 year old so I'm not sure if he even remembers.

I don't give a f*@K about a troll who doesn't pay for his opinion telling me how to review movies.


Did you know there is a theory that the game "Roy" is exactly what we are doing with our lives? Look up Tom Campbell the physicist about virtual reality.


You mean we're all floating in gooey eggs experiencing a simulated reality while a superior machine race harvests us for energy? I'll be damned.


It reminds me of the matrix movies.

What if we are all a bunch of reptoids from the 4th dimension playing a game in this 3rd dimension that the reptoids created. Kind of like a board game, that would be freaky.


I would rather play Roy 2:Dave.


I'd play the crane game that chops your head when you lose.

Also it's annoying that this site doesn't give any separation whatsoever from signatures.


I'd play it, but I'd never go back to the carpet store.


Id probably become a serial killer or a ruthless dictator or some sort of global terrorist. You know... like the average aspirations of most people.


Maybe you are already playing Roy at the moment, and you are failing to do all those things.

Just saying.

Also it's annoying that this site doesn't give any separation whatsoever from signatures.


Damn I need to start taking roy off the grid.


Yeah don't be a "carpet shop returner" type.

Also it's annoying that this site doesn't give any separation whatsoever from signatures.



You wouldn't know you are playing, dummy. It's pretty much implied that the whole point of the game is that the player is actually living a life, not get images popped into their heads that have some sort of control of (not a video game).

There are plenty of hints of this.

Also it's annoying that this site doesn't give any separation whatsoever from signatures.


I was under the impression that most people would know what was going on. Morty didn't because Rick just threw him into the simulation without any sort of explanation to prepare him.


Wait. It's not?

*beep* ...I like it, sue me.
