MovieChat Forums > Rick and Morty (2013) Discussion > Please explain Rick to me

Please explain Rick to me

I REALLY don't get it...
I suppose to hate Rick... I hate characters that are just *beep* and do *beep* up *beep* without caring... Look at Peter griffin for example...
Rick is an *beep* that only cares about himself, says that his own grandkids are only *beep* it his eyes, but still, how the *beep* did they manage to make his charachter lovable?!?! I really don't get it


It's because Rick isn't really the exterior he shows, and sometimes the real Rick shows through.

I think the best example of this is in the First Episode of Season two. One of the 42 Morty's collars was not clasping so Rick gave his collar to Morty, effectively sacrificing himself, until he found the old one that he could use. Rick clearly does care about Summer and Morty and Beth (Maybe even Jerry), he just doesn't like to admit it.

Heck, he doesn't even like to admit belief in God, but in that same episode he prayed to God to help him, which is another perfect illustration of who he really is VS what he shows. He desperately cried out to God, only to say "There is no God, Yeah" when he got home.

Rick acts like a jerk but really has far more compassion than he lets on.

That's nothing like the Griffins who are genuinely uncaring most of the Time.


And the collars didn't work unless he was 100% certain across all timelines what he believed. If he got rid of all certainty. And it worked while he was praying. And then he claimed to stop believing first thing after the collar worked.

IDK if that's significant, but I thought it was interesting at least.


He's something of a realist.




I don't think that it's a good analysis to conclude that Rick behind his a-hole exterior truly believe in God. There's probably plenty of people who considers themselves non-believers but during a near death crisis might turn to some idea of God and pray to it in the spur of the moment, because those are situations when you're feeling strong emotions, panic and you're not thinking straight. In survival situations, you revert to more primitive states of minds, and if you as an atheist when experiencing a primitive state of mind turn to brief hope for a deity to protect you, I don't really consider that something that makes you less of a non-believer any more than it makes a straight person bi if they felt attraction towards a guy once or twice in their entire lifetime.
If we call straight people who felt a brief moment of same sex attraction bi, then the word bi loses its meaning. Bi is better applied to much higher frequency same sex attraction. Not necessarily an equal amount but say enough times for you to lose count. And that's why I consider Rick a full on atheist.


The thing is, the whole idea that belief in a deity is Primitive is stupid. Some very intelligent People believe in God, and not for purely emotional Reasons in site of their intelligence. The idea that Atheism is somehow a mentally Higher State than Theism, much like the idea that Science and Religion are opposites, is just a ridiculous claim people make to let themselves feel superior to others.

It really gets old too, hearing how a lot of Atheists bash "Religious people" as if they are primitive or simple minded, given that Atheists are just as prone to stupid beliefs,and Atheism itself isn't some Heightened belief.

I also don't see Rick as the kind of person to have a "Lapse into primitive God belief" if he were an Atheist.

He's also met the actual Devil in this show.

So instead of making broad assumption about "Primitive" belief in God, why not reevaluate your own ideas of what constitutes Primitive.


The idea that Atheism is somehow a mentally Higher State than Theism, much like the idea that Science and Religion are opposites, is just a ridiculous claim people make to let themselves feel superior to others.

How so?

(please be sure to include insults into your answer)


I say I agree to a point.

I'm sorta an agnostic believer, but I know plenty of smart people that believe there is a god. One of my best friends has a degree in biology from one of the most prestigious Bio schools in the country and she's a born again Christian.

Isaac Newton was a firm believer in the Christian god. He tried to prove Gods existence his entire life. I doubt you've ever met anyone as smart as Newton or ever will. Werner Heisenberg on of the fathers of Quantum Mechanics was a Christian. Werner Arber who has a Nobel prize is a biologist who is religious.

It's impossible, but I will do it--The Walk.


Isaac Newton was a firm believer in the Christian god. He tried to prove Gods existence his entire life.

And, more to the point, failed.

Quidquid Latinae dictum sit, altum viditur.


Because Rick is shaped with admirable traits as well as flaws. He's intelligent and his crassness is sometimes what we all wish we said to people in our lives. His cynicism is also right on target most of the time. Rick also does care about his family on some level despite his treatment for them.

The lion doesn't concern himself with the opinions of sheep.


Rick is an *beep* that only cares about himself, says that his own grandkids are only *beep* it his eyes, but still, how the *beep* did they manage to make his charachter lovable?!?! I really don't get it

You don't get it because you only see what's on the absolute surface of his character. The face he shows the world is not the true Rick, and there are subtleties to the character that show this.

He SAYS he only cares about himself, but his actions tell a different story. Note in Auto Erotic Assimilation how Rick is actually concerned when he thinks Unity may have destroyed an area where Morty and Summer were.

Also note that Rick is part of a rebellion against the Galactic Government which we've been lead to believe is oppressive. He presents himself as this heartless thoughtless guy, but that's all an act to keep people from getting too close. Hell, in the season 2 finale he gives himself up to protect his family. He clearly cares more than he pretends to.

The new home of Welcome to Planet Bob:


The short and simple answer is that Rick has gone subliminal. In order to infiltrate "Evil Mortys" past without Morty knowing he can't change the events that caused the original morty to become evil but through always making sure Morty can remember his Subtle hints he hopes to restore their original bond.

I suspect that the other Rogue Ricks And the Rick police are working together in this task but due to being hunted by Evil Morty they cannot do so openly due to fear of being compromised. As the council of Ricks is thoroughly corrupt.

Ergo Possible Spoiler: Evil Morty is the original Rick

Events tinfoil, then makes a hat out of it.

The name of the game is not to give the game a name.


He's only cold on the outside. Remember the episode where he sacrificed himself to save Morty? That's right, same thing happened in this finale.

My Top Animated:


On the outside Rick is a pragmatist realist that doesn't give a f...

But on the inside he is loyal and sacrifices himself for his family.

I think he is just great and one of the best characters ever!

Prepare to be judged....with a FGM-148 Javelin!


Rick is more advanced than you, yet he is still human, so you will have to love him for that, or not.

Fate is what you call it when you don't know the name of the person screwing you over.
