Really hilarious, recommended

I've been surprised by this movie, i was expecting a movie for kids, but i was wrong, is a comedy for all the family, as an adult, i couldn't stop laughing.
I am a fan of the comics, but i'd recommend it for every people who likes comedy, even if they never have seen nothing about the comics.


I thought it is just a piece of crap... NOT funny at all. Really. Unless you like slapstick comedy like "El Chavo del Ocho".


it is true. Its slapstick comedy, based on a classic comic book from the late 50´s and 60´s. If you enjoyed shows like WBros' Road Runner or Looney Tunes this is that and much more. The absurdist enviroment that the artist filled the comic book world with, has come alive.


Don't you dare compare EL CHAVO to this movie (or the previous 2)!
