90s Hip Hop Jamz

I really don't get why Emily busted out with her song during the '90s Hip Hop Jamz' category of the riff-off... wouldn't they have been better to come out with nothing than a song that is
1. Not hip hop
2. Not from the 90s
3. Not a cover?
This annoys me every time I watch the movie :-P


She was pointed at and had nothing. Rather than stand there converting oxygen to carbon dioxide she sang the only thing she could think of - the original that has been turning around in her brain.


Oooh so he was pointing to specific people, not just the team in general! This is where I got confused - I wondered why she would bust out a song that was not suitable instead of hoping another Bella would come up with something.
This makes a lot more sense now, thank you! :-)


I felt that he had pointed to her also earlier but Amy jumped in and started singing thus saving her ass.


David Cross's character started pointing to people too fast toward the end, it's crazy to expect people to come up with a song to sing in unison within the confines of a category given 2 seconds to think.

"Honestly, who's gonna compete against me? Fork girl? Lizard lady? Ha ha ha!"
—Pacifica Northwest


Funny how every time it was DSM'S time, it was always the lead guy singer.. Yet the Bella's had to switch to a different singer every time..
