Green Bay Packers

I rewatch that scene every time it's on. It cracks me up


Agreed, they did a fine job. Apparently those guys were obsessed with the first movie and ended up getting invited to be in the second one.

That guy running the riff off called Clay Matthews "Drishnu Reginald Wilson Moncrieff Matthews the Fourth" or whatever it was, which I'm pretty sure is not his real name, lol.


Clay Matthews is one of the Green Bay Packers singing group NOT the "guy running the riff off".


The original post is talking about what the guy who ran the Riff-off CALLED Clay Matthews. They have it right. And it is funny,especially since his full name is William Clay Matthews III


Oh, I apologize. I do see that now. Please look away while I remove my foot from my mouth. ?


The riff off was the best scene in the movie, I wish it was longer.
