Kristen Chenoweth

Driving me nuts. Is that Kristen standing next to Robin Roberts as a former Bella.


Driving me nuts. Is that Kristen standing next to Robin Roberts as a former Bella.

First, no. Do you really think she would have been in the movie without them advertising it at all? Why?
Second, it's KristIn Chenoweth. Not Kristen.
Third, questions end with a question mark. Check this out, it'll blow your mind:

"Is that Kristin standing next to whoever the *beep* as a former Bella?"

You're welcome.

For every lie I unlearn I learn something new - Ani Difranco


LOL! Congratulations!! You win the Imdb Message Board award for worst case of insecurity ever. SO happy I could boost your tiny ego by letting you sound so "cool" and "intelligent" with your pathetic snark. I see you make an online career of this. Your Welcome.


*You're welcome
