MovieChat Forums > Pitch Perfect 2 (2015) Discussion > why werent they disqualified?

why werent they disqualified?

not at great movie you think about it too much, but it was just exactly what was expected and served its purpose well! I enjoyed it, because i didn't try to analyze everything.

however my one question is - in these acapella things, dont you have to sing covers? isnt it disqualification if you sing original songs at the competition? i think as an audience it would suck if all the groups sang original songs actually


I was hoping for a disqualification too, but remember that the rules didn't say that you could ONLY sing covers. The only reason why Legacy was called out at the riff-off was because she choked and just started singing her song, when convention said that you could only sing covers. It was more of a traditional thing to only sing covers rather than an actual rule.

But I was hoping for a disqualification. That ending was so hackneyed and thrown together, it was such a forced happy ending to quickly wrap the movie up and it just ended like "Huh? That's it?".
My dream ending would have been for the Bellas to have been disqualified for using an original song AND including singers from outside the group (old Bellas) to sing on stage, leading to Das Sound Machine to win. However, the Collegiate A Capella Organisation (or whatever organisation the A Capella commentators were apart of) allowed the Bellas to stay in the Collegiate level because originality and nostalgia and happy endings with rainbow farting unicorns.


lol rainbow farting unicorns! exactly!!

i liked the movie, but that's only because i like these cheesy things. They should have been disqualified and found some non what the heck way to win! Like in the first movie their entry was AWESOME.


"... rainbow farting unicorns."

Hold on a second, there. How could a rainbow fart out unicorns?

Oh, wait... I get it.

"May the FLEECE be with ewe." 🐑


I think they were also called out at the riff off because of the category, 90's jams or something like that. IF they were going to allow a cover (which obviously they wouldn't have at the riff off anyways) it would have to match whatever theme was specified if there was one. They would have been called out for singing any non-90's song if that was the category.


Correct. "Flashlight" wasn't a 90s hip hop song, so they were disqualified because of that. Just like in PP1, they were disqualified because Beca sang "it's" when the previous lyric was "it".


I checked the Wikipedia entry.

Nothing is said about the songs having to be covers.
So if there was an a cappella world championship, I guess there wouldn't have to be this restriction either.

Everything is possible, and nothing is sure.


But they should have been disqualified at the championships for bringing people on stage who weren't part of the group and because I believe there would be a limit on how many people can be in the group before it stops being a group and becomes a choir. They were full choir sized with all the non-members there.



Bringing in Bella Alumnae is different than bringing in people who "weren't part of the group". Because they were technically part of the group - once a Bella always a Bella.

I actually liked how they worked that in. I wished they had made more use of the alumnae.


That's like saying Magic Johnson should play alongside Kobe. He was a Laker once after all. And hell, why not bring in Kareem Abdul-Jabber, too.

"Once a Bella always a Bella" was a slogan of friendship, nothing more.



If they were preforming on a collegiate level I would agree with you, but it was like the world championship. The rules are a bit different.


Maybe all of the alumni were registered as part of the team in the world competition.


Besides this was how unbearable the song was. I'd have disqualified them for terrible taste.


I like to think that they weren't eliminated because they basically were doing a cover of a song since Beca and Emily had recorded it professionally prior to this.

Just my idea of it...


This couldn't be more cheesy, boring and unoriginal. Woman's movie for the women by the woman.

My votes:


All the groups should have been disqualified because they were using backing instrument tracks, which is not what acappella music is about.


I know I'm way late on this, but I just watched this tonight and came on here to see if anyone else had commented on the use of backing tracks. You're about the only one, which I found a bit sad. I'm sure they used them for the added oomph to the soundtrack but still it's not a capella.


Yeah but this is a film so I guess its one of those take it for what it is type of deals.

"I'd rather lose for what I am than win for what I ain't"

Kacey Musgraves "Pageant Material"


I think the better question is why weren't they disqualified for clapping? It was my understanding you could only make noise with your mouth, not by playing pattycake

"We stayed up all night dry humping, it was awful, I think she gave me poison ivy."

reply wanted it to have the same ending that Spectacular! had??? the ending of Spectacular! SUCKED!!!

you have something negative to say, go to and say it there, not here.


A Cappella has come to include any noise you can make with your body without using any other tools or instruments. This includes snapping, clapping, and stomping.


The same twist was used in Glee, the New Directions also sang an original song to try to win from behind... (and they did "win")
