MovieChat Forums > Me and My Mates vs. The Zombie Apocalypse (2015) Discussion > A couple chuckles, but that is about it....

A couple chuckles, but that is about it. Tiring.

"Me and My Mates vs The Zombie Apocalypse" is yet another zombie movie installment, the difference is this is from the land down under, Australia. Plenty of Aussie humor, or attempts at it. The story is basic, the zombie make up is so-so, the killing fx is below average for this kind of film. You will chuckle a couple times, but there is only a scant sentence in this thing that does not have a swear word attached to it. The names associated with this are better known across the globe in Jim Jefferies and Alex Williamson. If it is a rainy afternoon and you want to watch something in this genre you could watch far worse, but with all the other decent movies out there this should be down the list to view. * 1/2 out of 4 stars.


I saw it in a packed cinema when it was screening around August and it went off. Crowd loved it, laughed all the way through. It's definitely a cheap little local indie though, and I imagine it suffers greatly from being watched alone or from a torrent or something. I'd suggest getting a bunch of mates together, get the drinks flowing or the weed blazing and watch it like that. Glad someone in Aus is making movies like this, instead of stuff like The Dressmaker or Last Cab to Darwin.

What do I know? I'm a bear. I suck the heads off of fish.


Really a packed cinema? It went off?

I'll defend Aussie horror flicks in any court of the land, but this one isn't anywhere near what you are claiming. Most foreign viewers won't get the humour, which is pretty mundane - Asian guy so Asian stereotype jokes, Darryl's whole schlock etc, won't like the characters, and for sure aren't going to be impressed by the production values that make your average Buffy episode look like it had a multi million dollar budget.

Below average film making trying to cash in on the current zombie trend.

And for the record brought the DVD on release. - horror's last colonial outpost.
