Fake and suck

Spent so much time on shelter

so much fail to make fire

rely on garbage of human culture

Make a bow to kill goaf but failed,
after that ,a goaf decide to suicide to become his food

drink sewage and get sick

fail surviving, call for help few times

I have a lot of questions about the show. He never thought of trapping coconut crabs? The goat got tangled on wild vines? A closer look at the hanging goat looks more like a nice looking rope holding it up. A goat getting accidentally tangled? Never seen one before. How convenient that he found the tools just in time for cutting the meats and for boiling them too. And how is it that there’s only seven feral goat in an island without predators? Why are there even a goat there in the first place? If he had to rely on medicine and outside help to make it through, I am not impressed. We can all do that for $$$.


i agree there are weird stuff, but they can be justifiable and didn't really take that much from the show...
one thing i can answer for you is why there's even goats on the island... well, humans introduce several species that's not indigenous to a specific area and when they leave at times they leave them there so with time that species populate the are... many shows and explorers and adventurers have been to many isolated islands and they at times brought stuff with them, goats and even chickens are some of them , and some of those animal whether intentionally or not are left behind and thrive on those island, so I'm actually surprised he did;t find any chicken because if you find one it's more likely you're going to find the other (people always brought both)...
finally you're points are correct though, but in all fairness those incident can accidentally happen, but overall i agree with you he's not the best of Survivors and I've seen all his other shows, he makes a lot of mistakes and doesn't seem to be prepared most of the times, yet the show i have to say is entertaining.
