How does he do it?

I've watched Bourdain in various iterations of the present show for years and I repeatedly ask myself the same question, how does he do it ? Frankly, given this guy's lifestyle choices he should have been dead years ago ! Instead he's managed to visit every country on the planet, eaten food at world class restaurants few of us will ever be fortunate enough to frequent, and all the while remaining thinner than a blade of grass. It is simply not fair ! Just viewing some of the dishes the poor guy is "forced" to eat for purposes of journalistic veracity has expanded my waistline! What dear lord is the secret ?


If his lifestyle is something that you want, what are you doing to achieve it?

Anthony Bourdain spent years working in the restaurant industry before writing a really unique book that gave him just enough clout to get a Food Network show. That one failed but it helped get contacts in the TV world so he could move on to another network. He's that there was a point in his life where he decided that traveling for a living was something that he wanted to do so he did everything he could to make it happen.


First and foremost I envy his waistline in view of the indulgence he is fortunate enough to experience. The travel is certainly something I see as being enviable, yet I'm sure that much of this is probably more work than it appears. I've read his book "Kitchen Confidental" and found it immensely entertaining and admire his dedication to his craft. On the other hand, I find Bourdain's obsession with things like tattoo difficult to take, as well as his rebellous personae, which at this stage of career seems a bit hypercritical. However nonetheless I still regard him as a unique, provocative and enormously entertaining individual.


Same secret as the skinny French... he only eats at meal times. Also, in the recent San Francisco show, he shared that he studies Jiu Jitsu which is a very physically demanding martial art.


His apparent martial arts interests must have been spurred by his recent wife, I believe she is some kind of professional!She can kick his butt regularly ! Don't sign me up for that emasculation,thank you!


When you emit as much hot air as this blowhard does it burns a lot of calories.

Salter you can paint your are a joke - Matty1933


He's thin (too skinny, actually), but otherwise he looks his age. Too much boozin + smoking. Don't be surprised if he's gone in a few years.


He quit smoking years ago and according to him he doesn't drink in his free time, he doesn't keep any alcohol in the house. Plus he works out a fair amount. He does have high cholesterol though. I sound like some obsessed fanboy knowing all this, but I just remember reading it in an interview once. He has to take medicine when he's going to eat pork.


I think he's a sexy older man. Every since he started practicing martial arts with his wife he's gotten in better shape, looks younger and has a 6pack(check out the Greek Islands)episode where he dives in a pool. I love him!
