Copenhagen (and its food)

After "No Reservations" became more about politics than food I've looked forward to this show. I've watched already "The Layover" which was surprisingly good and focussed on food only...mostly.

So far I'm quite happy with "Parts Unknown", into 3rd season now. Some history, some politics...but not too much of it.

Some episodes were good and bad ways. I expected some interesting food from the "Copenhagen" episode. Interesting it was ... indeed. That must have been the worst food I've ever seen on any Bourdain show. Yes,'s all very healthy, very hipster, very molecular, very posh. But all you serve me is greens and veggies in various forms. Can't hide it's just plants....with some fish sometimes. How disappointing. Now you can start teaching me about healthy food and how good my body will feel. Well...I don't care. I want some (barely) dead animal on my plate. Something that had legs....medium-rare at most. Thank you very much. Yes, I'm a caveman...and I'm quite happy with that.

The Canada episode on the other hand was surprisingly good. I didn't expect anything....but boy, that's exactly my kind of food. And it sure looked like Tony had fun as well.

"Pizz on you and pizz on your law!"
- Rubber Duck (Convoy)-

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