
While this was an interesting film I found it unbearable to watch. After the Hagen won the "dog fight" and they showed the face of a bloody dog that a once sweet, loving, docile animal was cruelly turned into a monster I was sick with grief and could not watch another second. It was too agonizing and I could not stop crying.

I realize there is a point to this story though I'm not entirely sure of what it is; the cruelty of the world, the lack of compassion we have for animals; those who we keep as pets vs those who we butcher and consume and the irony of this.

I am curious to know how it ends though I cannot watch anymore of this film. Assuming the little girl is reunited with Haggen and either he lunges at her or he is still able to recognize her and is kind to her. I'm assuming its the later. If anyone reads this and can fill me in I'd really appreciate it. thanks!
