MovieChat Forums > Batman: Arkham Origins (2013) Discussion > What's the real reason why the Joker is ...

What's the real reason why the Joker is in this game?

I have one of two theories as to why Joker is once again the main villain:

1. WB Montreal wasn't confident enough to do a Batman game without him, because they think we buy BATMAN games for the JOKER.

2. It was planned that way all along. I remember reading details about the next Arkham game way back when. They said it was going to be a Silver Age prequel detailing Batman's first encounter with the Joker. But then they also said Superman, Wonder Woman and the Justice League would be in the game too, to promote that Justice League movie that will probably never get made.

It's one thing to include the Joker in this game, but it's another to build up other villains as the big bads and Joker as just a theatrical nuissance, and then pull a bait and switch! It was a very poor decision on SOMEONE'S part. Someone who, as I said above, thinks we buy BATMAN games for the JOKER. We buy BATMAN games for BATMAN!

This whole Joker craze has really outlived itself. I guess we could blame Heath Ledger for it, seeing as how he was SO good as The Joker in The Dark Knight, but that was 2008 and he's starred in THREE Batman Arkham games. Time to step aside.


The Joker is in the game because when he enters the fold, everything changes. He brought Gotham to its knees (not literally), by bringing these psychopaths to the city and by bringing down the mob. The twist is good (in my opinion, at least) because it shows his brilliance, he was able to bring the biggest mobster, Black Mask, down, and show Batman that he's a force of nature that cannot be controlled.

Edit: This is just my take on it, not sure if it's the real reason, so, do not take this as fact please.


Might be because he's Batman's arch-nemesis and this game is about Batman being properly introduced to the criminal world of Gotham that he'll be up against for years and years to come...

Just a crazy theory.

to promote that Juatice League movie that will probably never get made

You mean the one that's been announced? Do you pay attention to what goes on in the world or do you just spend 24 hours a day sat shaking your fist at your copy of Arkham Origins?

Kiss my face


I was never angry that Joker was in the game, just that they did an absolutely stupid plot twist that really hurt Black Mask. So dumb. They really dropped the ball. I've always preferred to think of Ra's al Ghul as Batman's arch-nemesis, personally, so yeah, I'm tired of The Joker myself, but I would've been fine with him being just a side villain in this game.

Wentworth Miller is my boyfriend. He just does not know it yet.


I thought the plot twist was pretty clever, and did great at establishing the Joker as Batman's arch nemesis. The one thing I can see, and will agree with, is that it was wrong to hype up Black Mask as the main villain, and then just toss him aside. I can fully understand fans anger in that respect. But don't worry, by all indications, Joker should be gone for Arkham Knight. Though a cameo through Scarecrow's Fear Gas would be an awesome way to include him.


While I somewhat understand the reasons for Joker's spotlight, I still wish they hadn't pushed Black Mask to the side just like that. Some people claim that Black Mask can't carry a game. There was once upon a time, when Joker actually wasn't the be-all, end-all villain in Batman comics. Why do people think he is considered that today? Because writers gave him plenty of chances to evolve. Similiar thing with Mr Freeze and Poison Ivy. Before Batman TAS those two weren't used in the comics very much. Hell Mr Freeze was just a joke villain at the time. After their appearances in Batman TAS, they started to appear more often. So I don't understand why people think the same thing can't happen with Black Mask.

And I hate to sound like a douche here, but if anyone actually dismisses a Batman game simply because Joker isn't in it, then they aren't Batman fans.

Its amazing how people hang around message boards of movies they dont like


For the monies of course. It would have been better if the game ended with the black mask reveal, or like how Batman Begins ended with Joker leaving his calling card. He shouldn't have been in this game much.

It seemed ridiculous for Joker to do all this on his first night. The game should have focused on the smaller, more basic criminals like Falcone, Black Mask and Penguin etc


Did you beat the game? It wasn't his first night... it was his 5th. How else would he have been able to kidnap Black Mask days before when Batman is in the apartment?

I do agree that it would have been much better if something like a calling card was dropped off at the end, like you suggested.
