MovieChat Forums > Batman: Arkham Origins (2013) Discussion > Stupid...just plain old stupid!

Stupid...just plain old stupid!

It looks like I will never be able to solve Worst Nightmare Rank 6. It requires a vent takedown which can only be performed BEFORE YOU BEAT THE GAME. Now I feel like breaking this gd game in half for all of its stupidity.

First I tried on the Penguin's ship, but found out that floor grate takedowns are not vent takedowns. Then I scratched my head wondering where the f am I going to find a vent, take the cover off, and do a takedown through another vent. You can't do it in any of the Predator rooms inside the buildings!

Arkham City, I believe, intentionally made one of the Predator rooms (the subway) so that the enemies would come back every time. That allowed you to complete the challenges. It looks like Origins failed to do this.

I am so mad at this game...and WB.


Not only did the subway always have thugs for you to beat up, but you could meet all the challenges by performing them in any of the challenge rooms. Something WB Montreal decided not to do, because I guess they wanted to make everything harder. And that's lame.


And what, pray tell, happens if you solve the Worst Nightmares? You get an achievement or something?

Plus, you know you can always start a new game, right?


You earn the last gadget upgrade if you can climb the ladder in Worst Nightmare. Additionally, this was on New Game Plus mode. I had no idea I had to do these challenges during the game. There were other things I was working on during the game (network relays, data packs, etc...). I only found this out yesterday when it was too late. I suppose I could attempt "I am the night" and do it there...but thats just a whole new level of ridiculousness!

As far as starting a new file. Screw that. I've already played the game through on hard and New game plus.


I find it really har to believe that you could have played the game through twice and still not have done the challenges even by accident.

"Treat others the way you would hope to be treated."


The Nightmare track is incredible obscure compared to the others. I beat the game twice and I still don't have that last goddamn electric stun batarang because of it. What is also dumb about it is that you can achieve the requirements for higher level things on the track, but it won't register until you do the lower ones in order.

I too have to tackle I am the Night primarily to at least get my shock batarang (so I can do the last few challenge rooms right and a few challenge campaigns) It is annoying. The challenge modes should definitely count towards these tracks.

"I am the cheese,I am the best character. I am better than both the salami and bologna combined"


The challenges were always last on my to do list. I would find network relays, data paks, and do side missions.

How do you "accidentally" perform a vent takedown, an explosive gel takedown, a corner cover takedown, and a hanging ledge takedown in one predator session?


In New Game Plus, how do you NOT?! I use all of them an more in just about every predator room to clear it when you crank the difficulty past hard mode. Its virtually impossible to complete otherwise.

"Treat others the way you would hope to be treated."


In New Game Plus, how do you NOT?! I use all of them an more in just about every predator room to clear it when you crank the difficulty past hard mode. Its virtually impossible to complete otherwise.

Dude...nobody knew we had to gun for the challenges right from the start. I'm used to thoughtful games like Arkham City where you can finish the challenges as you please. I did not focus on the challenges with all the other bonus stuff there was to do until after I beat New Game Plus. How was I supposed to know WB changed it up? In Arkham City, they actually made one room where the guys ALWAYS spawned every time you enter so you could complete the predator challenges whevever you chose.

And there is NOT ONE single predator room in Origins, until the bank level, that you can perform ALL FOUR takedowns (vent..not floor grate, explosive wall, corner cover, hanging ledge takedown), so you cannot be telling me the truth when you say you do it all the time. So you actually have to go into that bank level, during the game, with a rank of Worst Nightmare 5, and with the intent of completing this challenge. If you don't, you're screwed.


Starting New Game Plus is your only solution then, you should be able to do it fairly early on.

"Treat others the way you would hope to be treated."



Why are you posting on boards you clearly have no interest in, I've recognised your sig on 3 separate glitch orientated threads - if the lack of forethought didn't affect your experience, congratulations, however for a large portion of people there are issues/errors with this game.

On ignore you go.


Buwahaha I did "I am the night" and got all the way to the gd predator room I needed (the bank) and died. Game over. About 3 hours of play time (maybe 4) down the drain.

And with that...A big F-U to Warner Bros from me. I'm done with this game.


Welll...hmm...maybe I'm not done. I do still have some mysteriously uncharted riddler trophies to hunt down...


Enemies do seem to respawn on the exterior of The Final Offer. However, I took them down twice without being seen and it registered as a "high" threat level, but it still didn't trigger that Nightmare track as having been completed. It seems it expects you to only do these in indoor rooms, not in the open world. Or it's just glitching...I fear I will never get the electric shock batarang....

"I am the cheese,I am the best character. I am better than both the salami and bologna combined"


You need an exploding wall (not just explosive gel and not glass) takedown, and a vent (not floor grate) takedown. You cannot perform these on the ship. There are only a couple predator rooms in the entire game where this can be performed (along with a hanging ledge takedown and a corner cover takedown) and these are all indoor. You must do it on I am the Night now. I say F* that. I'm not doing it.


But I don't need all that, I think I did that one already. I'm stuck on the 10th level of Nightmare track that says to just clear a predator encounter unseen that is high threat level or higher. The final offer people should have counted towards that, but it didn't.

"I am the cheese,I am the best character. I am better than both the salami and bologna combined"


Did you complete it?


Nope. I guess i'd ahve to get far in the i am the night mode to do it now.

"I am the cheese,I am the best character. I am better than both the salami and bologna combined"


I got up the nerve to play through I am the Night again. I got to the bank (by using alot of checkpoint restarts when health was low), completed the challenge (rank 6), but the last guy was stuck in the wall and so I could not interrogate and it would not save. I had to restart from the last checkpoint. I beat it again but the last guy was standing right next to a mine when he threw his hands up. I detonated the mine (I wasn't going to risk dying in this mode). In an instant, he falls to the floor and pops back up. Batman then immediately phones Alfred and it says mission complete...but it wouldn't allow me to interrogate or leave the room. I restarted again and THANKFULLY the room was clear and I could walk it finally saved my progress.

I had a few choice words for WB Montreal during this whole fiasco...

How did you get rank #7 (win a predator with no takedowns)? I went to the ship and punched and kicked everyone to oblivion but got no reward.


I don't know if the ship counts. It may have once, but it can't be depended on. But yeah just being reckless basically, disarming the thugs and sliding to ground them in a predator section is the way to go.

"I am the cheese,I am the best character. I am better than both the salami and bologna combined"


I just want to remind WB Montreal not to make another Batman game ever again.


Over a year later... but yet perfectly relevant information still.
