
I cant find the last riddler data handler it says his at the Gotham pioneers bridge but he doesn't appear


To the front or the rear of the bridge?




I'm afraid you need to be more specific. There are two Enigma data handlers on the Pioneers' Bridge, one on the side of New Gotham, the other on the side of Old Gotham (Arkham City). Now which one are you trying to find?


its the one where it says to unlock extortion file 12


So you're looking for a data pack, not a handler? Probably should've made that clear in your initial post.

This should help:


no its a handler on the south side of the bridge and it says interrogate to reveal extortion file 12


Well he's there, don't worry. Just go on either side of the bridge, look for guys who are glowing green.

And allow me to let you in on a little secret: you don't need to find all the data packs. Just destroying all of Enigma's relay dishes will foil his plans. Finding all the data packs just lets you enter that room in his hideout where you'll find...a Riddler trophy. That's all that happens.


thanks for the help


Sadly there are a few that are glitch. As in the handlers don't show up at all... or they only show up AFTER certain events.

If I remember correctly, this one on the bridge you are asking about does not show up until AFTER you've beaten the game and are working on the side quests.
