Batman Breaks his One Rule

Notice that sometimes Batman will snap someone's neck with his foot.

It looks like he killed them.


No, he doesn't.

Use your detective vision and you'll find out that they are unconscious.


They don't appear to be breathing


And yet Detective Vision doesn't declare them deceased like it does if you examine Lester once he's thrown out the window or when you solve one of those Gotham crimes...


But what about those moments when you knock out an enemy and then they fall off the ledge into the water? What happens to those guys?


Oh there are definitely issues.

Knocking someone out, breaking their bones, and leaving them in the freezing cold doesn't exaclty mean that they will live either. Or in some cases, a burning building. The smoke would keep them unconscious and eventually, dead.

The way it goes though with these games though, unless Detective vision shows them as dead, they aren't dead.


I think Batman just programs his detective vision to say they're unconscious because he's so embarrassed about breaking his one rule.


You'd be surprised what you can live through. Batman just beats the criminals within an inch of their lives and leaves them for the paramedics. They breathe easier when the sun rises, as Bats himself assures Alfred.


Well I suppose it is possible, that Batman radios the paramedics after every beating he administers. When you're collecting criminals for Gordon, he radios in each one!

A pummeling and a care back, Bats isn't so bad after all!


Yeah, especially with that cracking sound, and the fact that the "unconscious" thugs are not shown breathing like they were in the previous 2 games. This is probably the games biggest flaw, above everything else.
