Filming Location

What a beautiful home and grounds in this movie.

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That building is also a Starbucks?


Is there a law?


I so agree! I came into imdb just to see where the movie was filmed.

Stunningly beautiful! :D


I heard them say in one of their commercial breaks that it was a castle in Romania.

 
That building is also a Starbucks?


Is there a law?


Yes, it was, hipplechick! :)

I saw this listed on the "Locations" on the front page. Amazing place, yes? The one thing I might have on a bucket list, if I had one...go visit a real castle in Europe or the U.K. :)


Love your sleepy signature :)


I saw this movie tonight and I had to come here to see where they filmed it and I was surprised to see that it was filmed in my home country just like A Princess for Christmas. The name of that house is Cotroceni Palace and they filmed in July last year.


What do you mean, the building is a Starbucks? What building are you referring to?
