Horror film?

Why is this movie's genre under horror film? This was an actual true story about a man who was wrongly accused, incarcerated and put to death! How can this be considered a horror story?


it's going to be a supernatural horror film based on the true story.
if you watched the documentary, you know there's a curse the man who was falsely accused & put to death unleashed onto those who wronged him. 20 people since his execution associated with the trial have died mysteriously.


It's listed as a horror film because of the storyline after his execution takes place. Some records show his last the last words of Johnny Frank Garrett to include a curse on those who wronged him....and that's where the horror part of the movie kicks in. I (as well as other family members) had a few insignifcant extra roles in the film, and learned a lot about it while on set.


The Garret case is a MASSIVE mess. There's strong evidence it was a monster named Leoncio Rueda. There was physical evidence that almost certainly didn't belong garrett, and it strong resembled a murder rueda did.


Based on a true story, but the movie contains several horror elements. A dead guy puts a curse on anyone involved in his wrongful conviction and death. Some of the deaths were reminiscent of Final Destination
