If Were Up To Me...

I would shotgun all the elephants on the santuary, sell off the land and give the money to charities for hungry children.

I kept hearing the phrase, "like people" over and over again. They're not fv cking people so quit trying to anthropomorphize them.

Best part was Topsy getting electrocuted.


You're *beep* disgusting. Go back to that bridge you came from and die! Troll!


They're not people but they're better than people like you


Good thing it's not up to you. Scumbag.


If it were up to me I'd definitely try to feed the hungry children too, but I would not shotgun down the elephants. That's just evil.

Elephants are definitely NOT like people! They are way better! They are so patient and forgiving. They are much smarter than most of us people.

How people can be so evil and so accepting of evil is beyond me. It's very sad.

Seriously, we are the idiots destroying our planet and killing off entire species like we have a new planet to move to once this one is destroyed! Do you see any elephants doing that?


Thank you!! That was very well put! I think most species are better than humans when it comes to appreciating this world. . . .
