Very Excited!

I absolutely loved Krueger (A Tale from Elm Street), as did many other people, and have been hoping that Chris R. Notarile would do more with the prequel for the Freddy Krueger character!

Now, at the request of Blinky fans here on IMDb, YouTube and everywhere, we are going to be treated to another prequel to A Nightmare on Elm Street with Roberto Lombardi as Freddy!

You can keep up with all of the Blinky Productions films that feature Freddy Krueger on their amazing Facebook page at

Blinky Productions did the Freddy Krueger prequel first and they do them the best!!!


As always, you're support is much appreciated!
Thanks Debbie!

Roberto Lombardi


Just saw the movie over the weekend and I love it!
Hollywood should be kicking down doors to get you and Chris to make a full movie!


This was a million times better than a remake crap we got a few years ago and no CGI whatsoever and he sound and looked like a much younger Robert Englund .I am sure that Mr Englund would approve for sure .


Thanks! I appreciate the kind words on my Krueger performance!

Roberto Lombardi


Wow that one was creppy. Good performance and it made me want more. I wish these were full length movies, that is how good they are. Excellent performance.

English who needs that i'm never going to england


I also wish that these were full-length movies. Personally, I always wanted to see an official ANOES prequel about Freddy during his Springwood Slasher days. I think that Roberto would be the perfect man for the job.

Welcome to my Nightmare- Freddy Krueger


Thanks Dream_Demon!
I know that the studios pay attention when a post is written like your is, so it means alot to me when I read a post like yours.

Roberto Lombardi


Both of these short films were incredible.



Roberto Lombardi
