MovieChat Forums > Love Child (2014) Discussion > OMG The heroine is ageing quickly!

OMG The heroine is ageing quickly!

Is it the unflattering 1960s dolly-bird costumes?

Is it overly heavy make-up?

The star of this series is now looking quite matronly— rather like Hermione Baddeley.


Do you mean Jessica Marais? Her mouth is constantly turned down.


Plasticene face made over into concrete with misguided surgery cough cough enhancements will do wonders to age you over night.

Overdone, unnecessary procedures turn an actress from a naturally expressive young person using all the muscles with fascile quickness for youthful exuberance--into a plastic masked crone.

Matron's face is older but still moves--she can actually act with her entire face! Jessica has allowed then to make her look harsh and fake.

And whoever thinks those eyebrows of J's were a good idea in the make up department---needs to be fired.

Are they growing still as we speak, branching out more? Are they the eyebrows that "ate Cleveland?" Huge huge slashes of dark form taking over her forehead? HELP! Stop them before they kill again!

I rarely hear a word she says in dialogue--just cannot stop staring at those eyebrows the size of a '57 Buick taking over her entire face in a color that is about 10 shades darker than her blonde locks.

Why do women do these things to themselves? She's a young woman! Why oh why.

So unnatural, even in the context of 1970 makeup.

Though, I've yet to see the make up department put that awful white irridescent lip stick we used to wear in 1970. Oh my god. That lip stick needs to make an appearance....
